30 July 2011

How high are your thoughts!

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
-Isaiah 55: 9

I tried to keep my God in a box,
but when I went back,
the box was empty.
I thought He'd left me,
but then
I remembered,
my God cannot be contained.
So I tried to keep my God in heaven, thinking,
"Surely I will always find Him there"!
But little did I realize
that heaven's just a place;
my God is living, moving, and active,
and He cannot be contained.

This verse in Isaiah is God saying that His ways don't have to make sense to us. His thoughts and ways are so much higher. The context is that He is explaining how He will have compassion on the people of Isreal even though they have royally screwed up time and again. God promises an abundant pardon to His people.

Now I don't know about you, but my little human mind is like, "Wow, T-O God! Why the heck would you forgive someone who's messed up so much (like me)? How is that fair? How is that just? Don't they deserve to be ignored, cast off, and otherwise chastized?" Well, the answer is a simple, "Yes, you do deserve it, all of you! But I am a loving God who, because I am God, don't have to play by your rules. I forgive who I forgive. My ways are beyond your understanding. Don't try, just accept them..."

I find it reassuring.

So when we try to contain our God thinking He has to follow the rules and parameter's we've laid out in our mind, no matter what that applies to, we find ourselves wondering why God isn't playing by the rules. We put a box around what He can do praying for specific things like "God if you could just bring in $200." or "God if you could just give us courage for tomorrow." Just? Why limit God? Why say "God this is what we need, if you could just do it...please :)"? God can do anything!!

Consider prayers that allow God to be God. It's okay to prayer for specific things, but at the end of the day, you gotta let go of your plans and ideas because God has plans of His own. And boy hey howdy do you want those plans to be what happens!

So Lord, let Your will be done! Your ways are higher, and they are better!! I choose Your plans! Help me to know Your heart by the Spirit, and pray accordingly! Let me never put you in a box or treat you like a Coke machine. You are God! Praise the Lord!

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