30 June 2012


So I spent like 5 hours at Panera today talking with my agnostic friend. For the first time, boldness overcame me, and I was actually able to show her the Gospel. I've shared with her before, but never like this. It's a big deal because I can see a huge calling of God on her life. She's actually one of His chosen people, descended from Israel himself. I want her to find Him. I know there are many hurtles to Christianity in our society. She listed them to me, but I already knew what they are.

Obsessive religiousness

All of these are things that plague Christians. You look at people who "belong" to our faith, and it's hard to get a clear picture of who God is. There are so many issues which cause Christians to look backwards, ignorant, hard-headed, unloving, self-righteous, confused, insert whatever adjective you want. So many who label themselves as Christians only sort of get what it means. I used to only sort of get it. I thought I had it down, but I have learned so much. So much about love. The Bible is thick. It is dense. There is a lot in there, and it is not easy to swallow or understand. It seems crazy, because as far as the world is concerned it is. I tried so hard to show her that following Jesus is a totally different way of thinking. She can accept that everyone can find their own truth, but there is only one Truth. If you live in a plural world, you don't like this. If you live in a dichotomous world, you embrace it. I see good, I see evil, I see light, I see dark. There is nothing in between.

God is judge. God knows our hearts. I am not here to judge how "saved" all the other Christians are, but I can say what I know to be true. After today, I never want to be silent. I think my friend moving might be the best thing that ever happened to us. To her really. If she can just find the Lord, she will find everything I see her looking for.

It is the holes I see in others that convince me God is real. I wish I had more testimony to share. I wish I had a awesome, life changing, amazing grace kind of story to share with people, but all I know is what I've seen. I've heard tale. I know people who know people, but in my life, I see where I was, and where I am. I see a girl who was broken by wanting things, and now I am a woman who has so much joy and peace she hardly can stand it. I see the pain in the lives of non-believers. I see a broken world that needs its Savior. All these things convince me that my God is real!

Do you know Him? I pray you do. It's worth everything.

He is worth everything because His love is never ending. His peace, mercy, joy, grace are never-ending. You will never be empty again. You will never go wanting again. He will always be there. He will never leave. His promises are real and they are true and they will be kept. He has victory over everything that comes your way. He is not dead. He is alive. He has always been. He always will be. You can't deny Him. You can't escape Him. One day you will face Him and what will you say? One day you will stand before the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He will say "Who are you?" How will you respond? I will say, "I am your daughter who you bought with a price!" I have been ransomed from a life of slavery to evil. Now I am a slave to righteousness. I love to do what God is doing. I love to go where God is going. He is moving. He is changing the world. He will do what He will do with or without you and with or without me. God is BIG! He cannot be contained. He does not change. He is beyond words. My paragraph grows and grows as a try to explain Him. John said it best: Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were everyone of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


Obadiah. It's straight forward but what does it have to say to me? Today is not a day where I can take a passage at face value. I have to consider who Edom represents in my life. Who is Edom? Who is Israel? Edom could be so many. Israel could also represent anyone.

I guess the message is that when others are in their day of distress you shouldn't treat them as an enemy and take advantage of them. We are all brothers after all. We have to treat each other like family and respect each other. If someone is hurting, you don't pour hot coals on them. If someone is hungry you don't mock them with how much food you have. If someone is fleeing a bad situation, you don't trip them. We have to treat each other with love and kindness just like Jesus treats us.

Lord, turn my heart away from evil. Let me look on my brothers and sisters with love. Let me share in their joys and sorrows. Let me not continue in apathy or frustration with them. Let me love overflow because You are overflowing in me. Lord, I need You, Oh I need You!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

29 June 2012

Turn to Him

I had forgotten how good some of the kings of Judah were. What impresses me are the amazing things God does in their lives in 2 Chronicles 20. He flat out destroys another army. Nations came to fear the Lord. His GREAT!

Finally a king wad getting it right. He made people in charge or praising the Lord. He held an assembly with the people. He made mistakes but he still served the Lord. This is what we are called to.

Lord, let me never be wanting devotion to You. Be my first and last thought. Have mercy on me and incline Your ear to hear my prayers. You are able to do more than I could ask or imagine. I trust You are up to something BIG!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Random acts of innocence

But a certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king...and they washed the chariot by the pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up his blood, and the prostitutes washed themselves in it, according to the word of the Lord that he had spoken.

There's just no escaping the will of God. God enticed this king to go on a suicide mission into battle. Now its hard for me to wrap my mind around God saying and doing this kind of stuff, but then I remember how evil this king was. The wages of sin is death. Plain and simple. When God says you've messed up there are always consequences.

I suppose the good news here is that God doesn't plan for our consequences quite so early - or at least He doesn't appear to be. Though I make mistakes, I never feel abandoned to be struck by innocent arrows or people. I do feel like I have to Lord as my sheild, keeping me from harm.

Lord,  I praise You for Your goodness. I praise You that You only desire good for Your children. I know the plans You have for me are wonderful. I pray I would listen to You voice and follow in Your ways. No turning back.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

27 June 2012


There are so few godly mentioned in the Bible, but I think there are even fewer truly evil women. Of course Solomon warns about them in the Proverbs and such, but there aren't many examples of female power gone wrong...but the ones that are in there are pretty powerful.

Jezebel came up with a horrendously evil scheme to get a piece of land for her husband
If your wife is willing to do that kind of stuff to others,  what might she do to you? Scary right?

Just like some men in the Bible these women have found themselves in possession of power and they are abusing it!! There really is nothing as dangerous as a wife who has control over her husband. Maybe it is because any woman who would want that kind of power already has a bad heart. I don't know. But what I do know is that men are men and women are women so we are different. Men are the head of the family and to have that power taken away can really get everyone into trouble.

Lord, search my heart and speak. Let me act in a way gloryfying to You. Let my actions bring You fame not shame. Let ths day be all for You. Let this life be all for You.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

26 June 2012

Why are you here?

After having seen first hand such clear signs of God's glory and power, you really have to wonder how Elijah could be afraid someone could take his life. He had been swept away by the Spirit. He had been made to run at incredible speeds. But he still was afraid that someone might get him.

I know I have this problem. I see and know God can do great things yet I can be paralized with fear. I don't know how or why. But God still have grace and mercy to show us and remind us of His power. Amen? He's pretty awesome. His voice is a small whisper. Oh it gives me chills...

Lord, show me Your power. Let m not fear. I have a list of fears but You are greater than them all. Come and take control! My life is YOURS!!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

25 June 2012

Jumping Jehoshaphat

His heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord...

What a description!! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be remembered as someone who's heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord. Not just that you were courageous but that you were bold n following God's ways amid a kingdom and world that couldn't agree with you less...what a difficult task!

But much like a father is called to boldly lead his family, so to are kings called to boldly lead their people. Their power is indeed fickle and fleeting...you can see that in Israel's history. Some kings have long successful reigns some short and laughable. God grants power to whom he sees fit and He takes it from those who don't deserve it. All authority comes from Him. Big or small.

Lord, grant our leaders the courage to follow your ways. Let fear be far from them as they boldly seek You. Let me also be courageous in Your ways all the days of my life. I want to never fear where You are going.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

24 June 2012

defeated by...

So I think the coolest thing about certain parts of the Bible is the wording. Instead of just saying the enemies were defeated, it goes to all the trouble to say by whom and for whom. God defeated (insert evil people) before (insert good guy). Therefore there can be no question who is the agent. Pretty awesome stuff.

What's not so awesome are the sad choices made in the life of Asa, king of Judah. He lived his life for God, but then he decided he had a better plan the God. So what happened? God rebuked he and he did not like his consequneces. He spent the rest of his life with his back turned to God. How sad is that?

Lord, I pray I would never harden my heart to You. The world will pull me to make my own decisions, but I will rest confident in Your will. Let it be my constant companion and meditation. Amen. Amen. Amen.

23 June 2012

Seek and follow

When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him.

I have to wonder how many rulers throughout history have done something like this. Followed after and feared the Lord for a season, and then completely loose sight of all the Lord has done because of how much you think you've  done. Part of me wonders if this is what happened to our current president. No doubt he's going through a tough time and seems somewhat left by God. When Rehoboam turned away, his people followed. When they followed, the Lord was jealous and was going to abandon them in the same way He was abandoned. But Israel humbled themselves, but not enough. I don't think Rehoboam ever believed he was less than awesome. He did some wise things, but he also did a lot of stupid things. He had power and good things were found where he reigned, but he also set about controlling the people instead of serving them. He's not described well in his left little snapshot that all kings of Israel got.

And he did evil, for he did not set his heart to seek the Lord.

It's the final determination of whether or not he's a good king. What does the writer of Chronicles say about your relationship with God when he is talking about your death. Poor Rehoboam obviously didn't have God figured out.

Lord, I pray that my heart would be set on seeking You. I pray for our leaders around the world Lord, that their hearts would be turned toward You. I pray for strength in adversity and humility in times of trouble. I pray that their first response would be one of reverence and grace in ever decision. I pray that they would seek Your guidance above all others. What a change!? I pray it might be real. I pray for a transformation of the hearts of our leaders and then the hearts of the people. I pray You call this nation back to Your arms.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

22 June 2012

Bad advice

Not so much bad advice as not listening to good advice. It's so easy to get caught up in what we think is right that we miss out on what God would want us to do. Even though it was part of God's plan, it's not like He wants us to mess up.

I just realized what a sticky topic I just landed on so maybe we should go around it. I don't think words here could explain it so I really shouldn't try.

Anyway there's another guy in the story who is a man of God. He hears a Word and is all set to carry it all the way through, when someone comes up to him and pretends to have another Word from God. He's hungry and thirsty but he isn't supposed to take anything in that city. The second man pretends an angel told him it was ok, and the man buys it. The second man probably wasn't trying to be evil, but the first man really should've known better. At least he should have prayed about it. Just to blindly follow what some guy said. I mean, really? who should he be trusting?

This happens all the time though. We have our Word from the Lord and we are all set to see it through. Then along comes something else that it waaayyyyy more appealing and we totally justify as equally from the Lord. Praise be to God that we don't get devoured by a lion as a result. Talk about consequences. Sure we have consequences we have to deal with, but it ain't like we're being eaten.

Lord, help me to follow only after You and Your way. When I hear Your voice, let nothing distract me from Your plan. Let me see Your hand moving and jump up to help. Let me answer quickly when called. Let me hold nothing back! Lord I long to be more like You. Let me hear You clearly. 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

21 June 2012

Proverbs 31

An excellent wife who can find?

I read this today hoping I would see something a little different from what I remembered. Some of my friends commented on it lately. Though it is inspirational in terms of what kind of woman I ought to be, it really isn't as practical as I would like. I wish I had more context. Conveniently, I know where to look:)

Reading through the commentaries, I see more what this is going after. A woman who is wise and virtuous. She is able to do business and create profit and stature for her husband. She is not confined to cooking and cleaning, but she is a woman of industry - meaning she works hard at what needs to be done. She will do anything if it is honest and good. This is indeed the type of woman I strive to be. I want to busy myself with Kingdom work. I want to be wise with what I have and what decisions I make. I do not want to worry or be anxious about my family because I know they are well taken care of.

I want my husband to be praised because he has a worthy wife. Not pitied because I'm worthless. Even if I don't work after I'm married I do not want to eat the bread of idleness. I want to be busy seeing after our needs, taking care of children (hopefully), and taking care of the community. I couldn't stand to do nothing anyway. If I am working, I don't want that to supersede my household duties. I still want to busy myself seeing after our needs and taking care of others.

I don't know if I will be this kind of woman. It's hard to predict the future. I just know who I am now and what I'm hoping to be. I'm a lot closer to my goal than I am to the other side. Most days anyway

Lord, help me to be a woman worth having. Let me be a blessing to my husband. Even while I am not married on Earth let me be a blessing to my Eternal Husband. Let Your name be exalted because of my works. Let me add to Your household and not take away. Let me act wisely with what I am responsible for so You can trust me with more. Let me be this type of wife to You.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

19 June 2012


Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these tings God will bring you into judgement.

To contrast yesterday, there are limits to enjoying one's life too much. This verse is talking about those kids who just waste their lives away on whatever feels good. Eventually those deeds do catch up with you. One only prays that you see the light before you die. We've all been victims of the follies of youth. I know I've done things just because I was young and immature and so what the heck, why not?! But now, at the ripe old age of 2~, I already know that this is not the life to be leading. I see people who try and find happiness by constant parties or even worse in romantic physical relationships and it breaks my heart. You will not find it there. There is nothing fulfilling about being drunk. There is nothing fulfilling about having sex. All of this feels good for a time, and then it fades away.

I think this is a contrast between enjoying what God has given us and seeking after our own pleasure. A wise man knows how to appreciate what he has, but not revel in it. A fool will waste what he has and want more.

I don't have much. I'm a poor teacher. But I certainly know how to use what I have to enjoy life. To enjoy what is around me. Praise the Lord for what I do have. I don't need any more than what He has given me. Sometimes I want more. Sometimes I foolishly save up or seek after more money. At the end of the day, He always gets me to give it away. And I love that about Him.

God doesn't let me hold onto anything but Him.

Lord, let my desires for worldly things fade away and my desire for You increase. Let me enjoy the good things You've given me without wishing for more. Let my youth not interfere with seeking after You. Let me be just wise enough to know how to follow You. Give me just enough to live for each day. You are my portion.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

18 June 2012


What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun? For all his days are full of sorrow, and his work is vexation. Even in the night his heart does not rest. This also is vanity. There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw is from the hand of God.

I love Ecclesiastes. It's like a little reality check amid all this other stuff in the Bible. No where else does it really get into the fact that maybe you should chill out and not try to just do as much as you can while you are alive in terms of gaining wealth or status, etc. It says, "to the sinner He has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God." Why do we run around gathering and collecting when we have no idea what tomorrow has for us? Yes there is no sense in squandering your money because you could die any moment. But there's even less point in obsessing over money and things. Enjoy what you've been given, but don't worship it.

We work so hard and are so stressed all the time. We think all of the sudden it has become so much more complicated then the way things used to be. Just because it's more complicated now than 200 years ago, doesn't mean these feelings and anxieties are new. Solomon says it," There is nothing new under the sun." It's all been seen before. The decline of our culture. The stress in our lives. The increase of sin. Sure it is going to get worse than it ever has been, but it's not new. Nothing we have to deal with is new. It's all been seen before.

We spend our lives trying to gain things of this world and then we die. Where does it go? Our children? What will they do with our hard work? The government? Oh gosh...So after all the toil and hardship, we leave a legacy that really doesn't matter. Most of us will be forgotten by history. Most of us will never matter to anyone besides our children after we die. If we get to live that long.

So why do we obsess over this stuff so much. Why is it about gain? Some enjoy their gain too much and lose it quickly. Some never enjoy their gain and live stingy lives. How do we find the balance and still glorify God? Well I think the point is not to just enjoy what you've been given by eating, drinking, and being merry, but rather to not worry so much about what will happen if you spend your money on things you will enjoy. I know plenty of people who are afraid to spend money on anything, even if it will be fun. I'm one of those people sometimes. I worry about having enough savings that I frequently pass up buying things I actually need. Like underwear. or socks. So I'm taking my own advice here. Worrying about tomorrow is vanity. Wasting what you have is vanity. But enjoying the blessings God has put in your life is the only way to really be happy in this miserable little world we have. God has given us Joy, but we have to choose to accept it.

Lord, let me enjoy my life instead of worrying about the details. Let the numbers in my bank account never keep me from leading the life You've called me to. Let me never miss out on You because I'm so worried about something trivial. Let my worries decrease as my knowledge of You increase. Give me the wisdom to follow after You in all situations.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

17 June 2012


Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

It's easy to make plans and then become quite pleased with those plans. Talking about finding an apartment or starting a job. Whatever it is, one always has to remember that tomorrow could bring the unexpected.

For example I just bought a nyused car. (New + Used = Nyused) Anyway, I could spend my time feeling quite proud of my little car only to have it be totaled tomorrow. Or I can spend my time thankful for the financial security that enabled me to make this purchase, and if it gets totaled tomorrow, I'm thankful for my insurance.

We love to make plans and be proud of what we are going to do. At the end of the day though, we haven't really done anything. We are really the agents of anything much. Except maybe trouble and disaster. Troubles will come. Things will go wrong. Someday something terrible will happen. You can't boast in what you have planned because it may never happen. Only a fool would talk about the future as certain.

A fool takes the future for granted, but a wise man is thankful for each moment.

I should write a book of proverbs:P it's funny because I shouldn't.

Lord, let my plans for tomorrow never interfere with my vision of You. Let me never see more of my life plan than I do of You. Especially now Lord as I make big decisions, let me not choose based on future glory, but rather on Your will. Let me not plan ahead thinking I know what's best, but let me trust in You knowing You know what's best. I will not worry, boast, or live about tomorrow. Rather I will take each day and praise the Lord for my portion.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

16 June 2012


Proverbs today was a lot about not overstaying your welcome or bothering others too much. Also, the usually stuff about not acting a fool. It's one of those days were it speaks good truth to me, but I have a hard time going anywhere beyond that.

Not to mention it's broken up in the middle by me going to the prayer room. I do this every Saturday. It's a good time, I just wish I were better at it. I'm sure I'm just imagining it, but I am down on myself all the time about not being more in the moment while I'm there. Other people's prayer requests often remind me of my own issues. That's not very of the Spirit. I guess what it really tells me is that I don't spend enough time before God in prayer so all of the things He wants to talk to me about or I want to talk to Him about all flow to the surface at once. It's very distracting.

So maybe my real take-away for today is that I need to pray for myself more. It may feel selfish, but I really don't spend time before God about my own needs. I pray as I go through my day, but I don't get silent before Him. So new goal: Bible, blog, pray. It could work. Maybe pray first.

Lord, help me to find myself in being alone with You. Let this be a true desire of my heart to quiet myself before You each day. Let me be filled up in Your presence. Let Your words be my joy. Speak to me each morning. 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

15 June 2012

The Throne

I was talking to a friend yesterday about how cool it is to see Jesus appear in the old testament. Because He's kind of everywhere. The Lord said to Solomon (and to David) that if he kept His statutes, he would not lack a heir to his throne. Even though the kings to come after Solomon did a lousy job following God's desires, God still established David' throne forever through Jesus. We can't forget where Jesus came from. He's of the tribe of Judah from the line of David. Pretty good breeding.

Even in the midst of Israel's mistakes and sins, God is working His plan for salvation. We can change this sentence a little to be even more meaningful. Even in the midst of my mistakes and sins, God is working His plan for salvation. Even when I fall short, like Israel did, God has already laid the groundwork for what He is going to do. We cannot change what He is going to do. He will not let us. We can make decisions and go our own way, but what God will do in our lives, God will do. There is no way around the will of the Lord.

Israel paid for their disobedience, as so many OT prophets warned, and eventually they came back to their homeland. About 0 AD, the most important person in history was born as a direct result of everything Israel had done. He was fulfilling a promise to David as well as solving a problem of sin. It's actually really incredible if you think about it. I highly recommend spending a large portion of your day thinking about it.

Lord, let me devote myself to Your will. Help me to be faithful in spite of myself. Let me on a path of righteousness. Help me to see Your will all around me. I want to reflect on Your Word, Your promise, and Your Truth. Let them be my constant meditation. Let me never forget the importance and weight of the life of Your Son. 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

14 June 2012


I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Praise Him for His mighty deeds; praise Him according to His excellent greatness.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

When you know God, when you know His exceeding goodness, you cannot stop praising Him. Really you can't. I have lived enough in my short life to know that I never want to come across a time in my life where I don't long to be before the Lord in praise and prayer. I take joy in knowing that that day will never come because you can't un-know something. Right now, I know who God is.

Praise the Lord!

So praise the Lord for His faithful deeds.
Praise Him for His kind eye and warm embrace.
Praise Him for His guidance and wisdom.
Praise Him for His mercies, lovingkindness, and steadfast love.
Praise Him with the Hosts of Heaven,
who have not stopped since time began.
Praise Him like it's your commission
Because it is.
Let all creation praise the Lord.
Praise Him with every breath in your lungs.
Say nothing but His praise.
Do nothing but His works.
Praise Him with everything.
Lift up a cry when you are in distress,
He will surely answer.
Lift a praise when you are in distress,
He will be quick to move.
The Lord will not withhold from those He loves,
so why are you so quiet?
Do not withhold even an ounce of praise from Him who deserves it.
You will find no other
Like the Lord.
You will find no piece or hope
Like the Lord.
So why are you so quiet?
Shout a song of praise!
Clap your hands
Jump around
The Lord is to be praised
The method does not matter.
No more will I withhold my spirit
from offering all I am
in praise to my Lord!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

13 June 2012


His steadfast love endures forever.

This doesn't need comments. Read it slowly and take it in. What exactly does this mean? Steadfast. Love. Endures. Forever. These words are accidents nor are the confined to my translation. The only change in the King James is Mercy instead of Steadfast Love. Personally I think the phrase "steadfast love" more adequately describes what God is doing, but "mercy" also tells a good story.

There are a few phrases that I feel would be awesome titles or subtitles to the Bible. This is probably the only one that comes directly from Scripture. The whole Bible is telling the story of how God's steadfast love endures forever. Not just when He feels like it. Not just when we deserve. It doesn't change. It doesn't fail. It has always been there, and it will always be there. The same mercies that were freely given to Moses where given to David and are given to me. Nothing about who God is has changed. Not one thing.

His steadfast love endures forever.

It really is that simple. There is no limits to what He will do for His beloved. There is no boundaries to what He can do in our lives. Praise the Lord!!

God of Mercy! Thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank you that it is so freely given to us. My heart swells with praise when I think about You love and mercy. I do not have words. Let this phrase be burned into the hearts of Your beloved that we may always know and trust in Your faithfulness. 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

12 June 2012


And it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, "For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever," the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.

So much to love. My favorite is that first part. It's part of a long list of musicians and their instruments that is actually set apart in parenthesis in these verse. What a fantastic side note?! It was their duty to be heard. Say all the animals waiting to get slaughtered were getting noisy or the people were sort of lacking energy. Doesn't matter, you have to be loud enough to be heard. A simple song, but it was enough to bring down the presence of the Lord. He came in a cloud and they couldn't even stand. Isn't that a crazy picture?

I think it's important to read the passages about the opening of the Temple with your imagination turned on. There is a lot of imagery here to soak in. First you have this bloody, noisy seen of animals being sacrificed. You hear the shouts and songs as the ark is being brought in and put where it belongs. You see the priests rising up to do their priestly duties, and the cloud of the Lord's presences falling, and with it every single person in there. Standing before the Lord's glory would be a challenge, if not wholly impossible. So people are probably on the ground looking like crazy people. Animals are still being sacrificed. Eventually the king stands up to say some words, people hanging on every one of them. This is probably the quietest it got that day and for the next few days. They had nonstop celebrations for 7 days - maybe even 14. At the end of that time when Solomon dismisses them to their homes, they leave full of joy.

What a story to be able to pass on to your grandkids. I was there the day we dedicated the House of the Lord. I saw Solomon and heard his wise words. I heard the loud music and praise of the people. It was a sight of pure joy before the Lord.

There are some moments I would love to go back in time and live through. I think this is one of them.

Lord, make this type of celebration possible in these modern times. Call Your Church together to be full of praises to You! Let standing around singing not be good enough. Send us to our knees. Let us be prostrated by a fear and love of You. Let our worship change from loud enough for us to hear to making ourselves heard. I want to be heard by the nations. Lord, raise up worshipers.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

11 June 2012


When they built the Temple, they weren't kidding around.

I don't have any specific scriptures to quote from what I read today, but I will provide the colored commentary:]

This thing was huge. This thing was planned. Most of all this thing was nice. It was ornate. Everything was made of fancy materials and covered in fancy materials. It was all crafted by the best of the best. Sure they were drafted into forced labor, but they were building a house for the Lord. A place to worship.

That's when I come to a metaphor - we are also God's Temple. His place of worship. We were made with way more care and fine finishes. We are God's handiwork, not just the production of some guy. Yes, in this fallen world some people's bodies don't really seem like fine examples of God's work due to diseases or other conditions. This doesn't mean that our bodies aren't temples. That's why you get the classic preacher speech about treating your body like God's house. Jesus does dwell in us. We have to remember not to abuse or mistreat these poor bodies. Our primary place of worship with our Lord is not Church or any place but rather in our own hearts. Would you defile a Church? No. Even non-Christians wouldn't do that. So why do we mess with our bodies?

Then there's another side to the coin. One that I've thought many times. A need to be in a special place to worship. Sometimes it's hard to open up and be with God just anywhere. I'll think to myself, oh if I were in such and such a place, I could come freely into God's presence. Really it's just an excuse. Really the only thing I need to come into God's presences is my self. A quiet and humble heart. Granted, that is something I often lack, but it's not like I need to climb some mountain or go to a prayer room just to be with God. God is with me. I'm with Him now. He's ministering to me now. He's speaking to me now. He's speaking to you too. Weird, right?

Lord, help me to come into Your presence. Each day let me spend myself worshiping You! It does not matter what tasks I have to complete, let me do them as an act of worship. Let me do everything as an act of worship. Let me do nothing that is displeasing to You. Come dwell in this Your House. Allow it to be as magnificent as the ancient Temple. Allow me to bring honor and glory to You. Not because I'm receiving recognition, but because of who You are. The door is open. Come dwell in this place.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

10 June 2012

Promise kept

In the four hundred and eightieth year after the people of Isreal came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, he began to build the house of the Lord.

Verses like this just get me. Seeing the history and context in the Bible just makes it so real. Here are several documented historical events all coming together in the context of the Lord fulfilling promises.

Promise 1) I will deliver the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

Promise made. Promise kept.

Promise 2) I will build myself a house of worship.

Promise made. Promise kept.

Promise 3) I will provide David with a son to sit on his throne.

Promise made. Promise kept.

3 promises all in 1 verse. You can see the Lord working in every page of the Bible. It really is just dripping with His good works and fulfilled promises. There is no promise He makes that He will not keep. I know it's easy for people to look at the Bible and just see stories that probably are exaggerations of real events because most other history books are just that. However, when I look at it, since I know what God has done in my life, I see miracles in the lives of the forefathers and the disciples. I see God being faithful and steadfast to His people.

I really do love this book and there just aren't words to describe how much it means to me. You can't get that from other types of books. You can't make it up either.

Praise You Lord for Your Word which You've given to us. Use it to guide us and show us they ways we should go. Fill our hearts with its teachings and promise. Let Your Truth be ever on our lips.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

09 June 2012


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Since it is a well established fact that I am a somewhat silly and illogical person, I have no problem admitting that I often worry about being a parent. It seems like a lot of work. Don't get me wrong, the woman inside of me would never dream of not getting married and having kids, but I still worry. I think the year of teaching I just had is what makes me worried. How am I going to be a good parent? It seems like a lot of work.

I have to cut my parents some slack. Actually in terms of disciplining and child-rearing, they do a pretty good job. Of course I see flaws, but I figure I should wait until I have kids before I make any real judgments.

This is something I'll have to deal with when the time comes. It's not like I even have a husband or anything. I mean really...one thing at a time...

Lord, let this not be a source of worry or anxiety,except in anticipation of the wonderful blessing a family can be to a woman. I know I'm a complicated case, but please let this be a blessing I get to enjoy. And can I enjoy it sooner rather than later? Your will above all else be done!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

08 June 2012

¿Tienes planes?

Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

I've found this verse before, and it was just a helpful and powerful then as I reckon it will ever be. I, like most people, like to plan. I can be laid-back in some areas, but I also have a very active imagination. I find it challenging to just sit back and wait for some things to happen. Some stuff is easy to wait for. It really wasn't that hard to wait for a job last summer. It wasn't a big deal to wait to find out which college I go in to.

Things that were difficult: waiting to hear if I got into Grad school because it meant a complete change of plans from what I had initially thought; waiting for May this year to come around and see what God would have me do next year; waiting to see what God would have me do next year...I have a lot of things to work out in my busy adult life (teehee). Waiting to see what kind of man God brings round to marry me. I have many plans in my head about how I think these things should work out. However, as the verse says, what I think really doesn't matter quite as much as what God is going to do.

And that's what I find reassuring. I'm always afraid that I will somehow mess up God's plan for my life. But I don't think I can. I think even my mistakes are somehow a part of the plan. Not so much that God wanted me to mess up, but more that He can make His will happen regardless of my mistakes. My choices affect how difficult it is to get to point B, but as long as I am His, I will get to point B.

That's reassuring.

I had a pretty serious debate about this the other day with some friends. Predestination, free will, losing your salvation. You know, everyday stuff (:P). It's questions we really can't answer, and that's fine by me. What counts is Scripture clearly teaches God has a plan for our lives that will most likely work out differently from how we think it should, but that it will always be better. Always.

Lord, help me to always trust and seek after Your purpose over my own. As I make some big decisions in the coming weeks, help me to seek Your will above my own plans and dreams. Let me not over-fantasize the options, but rather focus on the reality of the situation. Let me see clearly what is laid out before me and choose the path You would have me on.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

07 June 2012

Foolin around

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

I know I like to talk a lot. It used to be so much worse. I would just babble all day long about nothing. I don't really even know what I thought I was accomplishing. But how many examples do I have of  regretting what you've said. Too many. I have forgotten specific examples - time is a great healer and eraser, but I do remember that I talked way to much. I've gotten better at listening now. (Answered prayer)

What I think is funny is that even in secular TV or general non-Christian culture, there is an understanding that people who chatter aimlessly are foolish. The silent and reserved, even if seen as prideful or off-putting, are still deemed to be more intelligent then those who can't stop talking.

I think of the book Pride and Prejudice (oh yeah, it relates:]). Specifically there is this scene where Jane Bennett is sick, and Lizzie has come to the house where she is to see her. This house contains Mr. Bingley, Miss Bingley, and Mr. Darcy. Miss Bingley and Mr. Darcy are my focus here. Darcy has already begun to favor Lizzie Bennett and Caroline Bingley is jealous. So in order to keep attention on herself, she just keep saying the silliest things without end. It's actually quite funny to read. Darcy on the other hand, says very little in response to Caroline. In the end, Darcy seems thoughtful whereas Caroline seems silly.

No girl wants to seem silly.

This is why I have tried so hard to control my speech. Praise the Lord that I am improving. I still have a long way to go. I have a strong tendency to speak before thinking. Which is trouble no matter how you look at it.

Lord, I pray that You'd help me control my speech. Help me to say things that are wise and helpful to those around me. Let silly words and useless conversation be far from me. Let the words of my mouth be a blessing to others and bring honor to You. Let me never speak just to fill the silence, but let me always speak with intentions of building up and loving. I pray that You slow my thoughts that I might reflect before blurting things out. Give me the wisdom to improve in this area.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

06 June 2012

The Poor Man

Whoever oppresses the poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him.

I don't think I've ever gone out and oppressed the poor or cheated them, etc. You probably haven't either. It's not something that normal people just do or even have the power to really do. I'm sure there's room for a political argument here, but I would feel that to be inappropriate and misjudged. One thing that has bothered me recently is my lack of willingness to go out and be with the poor. To help them where they are. To spend time with them in order to share the Gospel with them. I do get caught up in my own life - where I'm going, what I need to be doing, etc. I tend to forget that my life isn't all that important.

For example, I was in Washington DC last week on vacation. I was somewhat overwhelmed by the number of panhandlers there were on the streets. Now I've heard my fair share of stories about these people who make a pretty good living begging for money on the streets. It still bothers me though. I will never just leave money and walk away. That's not what Jesus would have done, so I see no reason to do something so ridiculous. Yet how can I as a young woman stop and talk to a somewhat shadey man on the side of the road. But how can I just do nothing? Evidently it's quite easy, because nothing is exactly what I did. I walked right past all of those people. What would they say about my God if they knew I was a Christian?

This is why it gets to me. As Christians, we aren't called to do much. But some of the big things are to spread the Good News and care for the widows, orphans, and the needy. Granted you can't always tell what someone is truly in need of, but you can't just assume they are lying.

So what am I supposed to do? I know places to go, things to do, people to work with in order to achieve this commission. But I'm busy. Oh I don't have time this week. No, I can't go alone. Excuses, Excuses. I want to care for these groups. Orphans especially. I need to stop making excuses and do something. No where in proverbs does it say "A righteous man sits around talking about what one ought to do, but never actually does it." No!! If anything it would say, "A righteous man knows when to act, but a fool makes excuses."

Is that in the Bible? huh...?

Lord, I pray You would take away my need and desire to make excuses. I pray that I would see a need and find a way to fill it. I pray that I would seek out opportunities to do good works instead of waiting for the opportunities to come to me. I pray that I would want to act and move and work. I pray I would have no fear, reasonable or otherwise. I pray You would leave me without excuse. Show me opportunities to share Your Word and feed Your lambs. Guide me in a righteous path.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

05 June 2012


Anxiety in a man's heart wears him down, but a good word makes him glad.

I long for these good words and seek them out. When I am most anxious, then I am most hungry for Your Word and Teachings. When I am uncertain or stressed, the only place I can find reprieve is in the Word. That is how I came upon the radio station I listen to. I was going through the worst of it, and I need more than just a superficial Christian radio station in the car. I needed something with meat and potatoes. I found this station that not only has scripture-based music by awesome artists, but it also has scripture read over the airways and teachings from well-known, godly people. It's such a blessing to listen to during my commute, and I'm so glad God reminded me of its existence.

This is what we have to do when anxiety comes around. I'm very familiar with anxiety. Short of actually have some sort of mental disorder, anxiety really plagues me. I worry about silly things too. It's not like I'm concerned about whether or not my friend will go to heaven if they die. No, that might be an acceptable form of anxiety. What I feel is anxiety over my future. Fear. I used to be afraid all the time. To the point I couldn't even sleep. Not afraid of real things, but whatever my mind could cook up. A robber outside my window. My life is somewhat void of real problems, but that doesn't mean the problems I have don't provide sufficient stress and anxiety. Praise the Lord I've been set free of the fear that I battled in middle school and high school. Praise the Lord He has offered me good words in the times of anxiety.

I worry about being good enough. I'm convinced that I am not alone among Christians. I'm referring to the so-called "life-long" Christians. None of us have been Christians all our lives, but it feels that way. We've grown up knowing that there is an impossible standard that we are supposed to reach. We spend the next 20 years or so on one of 2 paths: rebelling from that standard or feeling completely worthless because of it. We spend that time slowly learning that we really aren't supposed to ever get there. That God doesn't love us because of what we do. That God doesn't want us just when we make Him proud or when we live up to our potential. God wants us. period. All the time. If He expected us to be perfect He wouldn't have wasted His time sending His Son down to earth. If we were supposed to live up to the standard, then the old system would have worked out just fine. We could have all just gone to hell for our sins and that would have been that. But that's not what happened. God saw we would never live up, so He made a way for us to be with Him. We still have to be flawless to enter His presence, but when He looks at me now, He doesn't see my mistakes because they have been forgiven and promptly forgotten. What I've done doesn't matter near as much as what I will do. God doesn't care about where we are coming from near as much as where we are going. He wants us to change and to start obeying the Law of Righteousness which He has given us through His Spirit. It's not a list of do's and don'ts but rather a guide to the Kingdom. To where God is and what needs to be done.

I say all this as if I am some sort of expert. HA! Have I ever acted in a way that is worthy of the name Christian? See what I mean about not feeling good enough. I look at myself and see nothing but short-comings. Praise be to God who can look past them.

Lord, I pray that You would help me see past my short-comings and rely on You to fill in the gaps. Help me to be like Paul who rejoiced in his short-comings, weakenesses, and failures. I want to live a life devoted to You and free from anxieties, fears, and worries. Let the Truth that I know permeate into my thoughts and actions. Let Your Word be ever on my lips and ever in my heart. Teach me. Guide me in the way everlasting. Most of all, take away the lie that it matters that I am not good enough. Of course I'm not! But Praise be to You, Lord, that You are more than enough!!!


04 June 2012

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

How to accept wisdom has always been a burning question in my life. How on earth am I supposed to lay hold of something so elusive? I realize now that I am not entirely foolish because much like the first verse I quoted says, loving the Lord is where wisdom starts. But how does it continue? Where do I go next? To the Word of course. Eating it up like a box of Cheez-its. I try to do that. And I do feel wiser. But I still long for more. I guess I'm hoping for too much wisdom. I want to be wise enough to have no doubts what the best path is for me or anyone that I am advising. I don't think I'm supposed to be that wise. I think that's God's job.

This doesn't mean I should stop hunting for wisdom. I'm hungry for more of You, Lord. I feel like I so easily slip off into whatever-land and lose sight of what I ought to be doing. I just went through what was mostly likely the toughest year of my life. I have never felt so much - I don't even know how to describe the feeling. It was torture. But it's over. I am a seasoned 2nd year teacher who hopefully will get her act together.

Which brings me to a more pressing issue - did I make the right decision signing up for a second year? I have felt nothing but anxiety about this question since, oh I don't know, January. Was I supposed to? I have had moments where I have been absolutely positive that you want me back there, but then I have moments of complete, overwhelming anxiety. I was suspicious that I was never supposed to take this job to begin with. Now I'm suspicious that a second year is a bad idea too. This is when I long for more wisdom than I have. But I believe I can discern pretty well, and I'm pretty sure that anxiety is never from the Lord. Ever. Ergo these feelings are not from God. Even when we make the "wrong" choice, it's not like God's going to let us live with regret and anxiety as we suffer the consequences. That's not really His style. If we make the "wrong" choice, he's still working for our good. Somehow, even if it is painful, He'll get us back on track. And we'll be stronger for it. As long as we keep trusting. I trust that I made the decision he called me to make. If I'm wrong - too late now. If I'm right - maybe that will make this year better. Right or wrong - God will be with me every step.

This gives me the confidence and strength to look forward to August without longing for 2013. I do not want to spend another year wishing my days away becuase I just want it to end. No. That is no way to live. God has called me to a life of Joy and Fullness. Though I never stopped feeling His Joy, I don't want to feel so stressed and tortured. Mostly I need to get over this self-pity thing.

His Joy is so rich. I was never without a desire to walk around with a stupid grin on my face because whatever was going on was either ironic or funny or I just couldn't help remembering how much the Lord loves me. Yes there were moments were I was livid with anger, but God's Joy is what calmed me. I may lack many of the spiritual fruits, but I have never been without Joy. Praise be to God.

Oh Lord Father! I ask this day that You fill me with wisdom and insight to see where You are moving and follow without doubt. I pray that my desire would not be for men or food or recognition but only for You. I pray that I would be busy with Kingdom Busy. I pray that I would not limit myself to whatever profession I hold, but that I would define myself as a laborer in Your vineyard: Preparing the way of the Lord. Let me speak with Your words and move with Your heart. I pray that I might fade away as You shine through. Let me never be without fear of You. Let my hope always be firm in You. Let me not fail even when I cannot see. Let my desire be for Your Kingdom. Let me heart feel as Yours does. Let good enough never be enough. No longer I but Christ who lives in me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.