Whoever oppresses the poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him.
I don't think I've ever gone out and oppressed the poor or cheated them, etc. You probably haven't either. It's not something that normal people just do or even have the power to really do. I'm sure there's room for a political argument here, but I would feel that to be inappropriate and misjudged. One thing that has bothered me recently is my lack of willingness to go out and be with the poor. To help them where they are. To spend time with them in order to share the Gospel with them. I do get caught up in my own life - where I'm going, what I need to be doing, etc. I tend to forget that my life isn't all that important.
For example, I was in Washington DC last week on vacation. I was somewhat overwhelmed by the number of panhandlers there were on the streets. Now I've heard my fair share of stories about these people who make a pretty good living begging for money on the streets. It still bothers me though. I will never just leave money and walk away. That's not what Jesus would have done, so I see no reason to do something so ridiculous. Yet how can I as a young woman stop and talk to a somewhat shadey man on the side of the road. But how can I just do nothing? Evidently it's quite easy, because nothing is exactly what I did. I walked right past all of those people. What would they say about my God if they knew I was a Christian?
This is why it gets to me. As Christians, we aren't called to do much. But some of the big things are to spread the Good News and care for the widows, orphans, and the needy. Granted you can't always tell what someone is truly in need of, but you can't just assume they are lying.
So what am I supposed to do? I know places to go, things to do, people to work with in order to achieve this commission. But I'm busy. Oh I don't have time this week. No, I can't go alone. Excuses, Excuses. I want to care for these groups. Orphans especially. I need to stop making excuses and do something. No where in proverbs does it say "A righteous man sits around talking about what one ought to do, but never actually does it." No!! If anything it would say, "A righteous man knows when to act, but a fool makes excuses."
Is that in the Bible? huh...?
Lord, I pray You would take away my need and desire to make excuses. I pray that I would see a need and find a way to fill it. I pray that I would seek out opportunities to do good works instead of waiting for the opportunities to come to me. I pray that I would want to act and move and work. I pray I would have no fear, reasonable or otherwise. I pray You would leave me without excuse. Show me opportunities to share Your Word and feed Your lambs. Guide me in a righteous path.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
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