Everyday I read some of the Bible. In order to force myself to pay attention, I started selecting verses or chapters to write about each day. Nothing profound or special...I mostly do it for me so I can learn from Scripture each day. And there's some other goodies randomly written just for fun. All of this inspired by my good ole Blue Bible (which incidentally is new...:P).
31 December 2011
back in business?
24 November 2011
I've been reading Acts. I love that book because the Holy Spirit is literally dripping off of every word. It's awesome. The Disciples seem like losers in the Gospels compared to the amount of faith and power they have in Acts. The just get it.
Acts it also a very convicting book. You may think you have it all together, but when you read Acts you realize that you don't do near as much as you could. I feel like God has called me to so much more - or at least He must have because how can I be following Him completely when my life seems so average. I don't know what it means to follow Christ, but part of me is beginning to believe that it involves a whole lot more going than anybody admits. I've always believe that missions didn't need to all be overseas, but I am not convinced that everybody shouldn't be living "on mission". And I think telling people that they can be missionaries at the office cheapens what it means to be a missionary and makes us lazy.
Being a missionary means you will be getting in trouble for your faith. I don't think it's about being afraid of being fired or shy about starting conversations. I think Jesus has called us to put ourselves out there in every part of our lives and acknowledge that if we get reject, He is still taking care of us. The Gospels are full of promises like that. God wants us to be rejected for His name.
Basically, I've got it all wrong...
15 November 2011
Last words
The last Fe words of John's Gospel are just so powerful. It's one of the many reasons it's my favorite Gospel.
There arenlt enough books or authors to write down ever miraculous thing Jesus did. God can't be contained by the Bible and shame on anyone who tries to keep Him there. God is great! Praise the Lord.
At the end of this tough day I want my last thought to be how great you are, Lord!
14 November 2011
Great commission
Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation.
Mark 16
I like Mark's version of the great commission better...it gets the point across. It's more than just proclaiming the Gospel to people but its about God restoring all of creation to himself. Thats a huge deal. But that's His plan. It started at the Cross and continued with the empty tomb.
What saddens me is I read about the redirection this morning - my all time favorite par of Scripture - and I felt so little. Usually I'm swelling when I read those verses but this time ....is there so much on my plate? Lord I still praise you foe the resurrection and for the victory I share.
I know someone which needs it more. Please send it her way...
10 November 2011
Upset in the routine
Or at least that's how I feel right now. Of all the things I did right today, I of course am fixated on all the things I did wrong. It was far too long of a list and I feel science. Why does it bother me so much? Why do I let things affect me so much? It can't be because I care that much...can it?
This has no relation to what I've read the last few days. That's all been about the Last Supper and Jesus' betrayal...
All that really sticks out to me is relating to the sorrow that Peter would have felt when h realized that he had indeed denied Jesus 3 times. Its easy to look back 2000 years later and say "If I had been there I would have stood up for Jesus!" But who of us can say that? How can we claim to know how we would react conditionally. The second you say would have you nullify your claim. If it ain't hard fast indictive verbs then your really just speculating.
I probably would have done just like Peter and wept bitterly until I saw my Lord again. And when I saw Him again I'd been on my face begging forgiveness. That's how I feel anyway...
Please restore me Lord! I feel empty!
07 November 2011
Of course none if could matter. The Lord could come tonight. I've been reading Jesus's words on the subject. About how we don't know in what hour the Son will come. Will it really matter how my job is if the world is over? Nope. Have I wished for the end of days before to avoid hard situations? Yep. Is that wierd? Maybe.
I pray that I am awake and moving. Let me not fall asleep or be so busy keeping up that I stop keeping on track.
Father, I really don't know what I'm doing anymore!! Please, throw me a bone!
06 November 2011
Stay awake
By your endurance you will save your life.
Luke 21:19
What a neat verse! You know, one hing I've always known but have had a hard time applying is the news for endurance.
I do like to run. However I have no endurance. Rarely do I make it out onto the road. Like many things in my life, I choose to do work instead. Now as that gets too difficult, I find myself at the end of my endurance. Unable to muster the strength I need. I guess it's a good thing I know the Lord, huh? Right now it feels like I'm losing it but maybe I'm just beginning to find it. Maybe for once it is going to be real. Maybe I'll start liking who I see boot because of anything I've said or done but because I know God still loves me. I really do ache to know that somebody will know who I really am and love me anyway.
I often feel like there is little about me to love. I know there is nothing about me worthy of God's kingdom. So what's left?
I'm in the middle...well end...of a weekend of discipleship foe teenagers and the speaker made a good metaphor last night. Am I dating God or am I ready for a relationship? I'm ready for the relationship the problem is that I want to cheat. Somehow I don't think His love and acceptance is enough. I sit around at home thinking how if I had a boyfriend right now I'd have someone to support me in this time and maybe love me. I just want to feel valuable. Because I want to let a man decide if I'm valuable. Messed up!
I'm holding myself o so many standards but only one really matters. Am I running with endurance after God?
Stay awake
By your endurance you will save your life.
Luke 21:19
What a neat verse! You know, one hing I've always known but have had a hard time applying is the news for endurance.
I do like to run. However I have no endurance. Rarely do I make it out onto the road. Like many things in my life, I choose to do work instead. Now as that gets too difficult, I find myself at the end of my endurance. Unable to muster the strength I need. I guess it's a good thing I know the Lord, huh? Right now it feels like I'm losing it but maybe I'm just beginning to find it. Maybe for once it is going to be real. Maybe I'll start liking who I see boot because of anything I've said or done but because I know God still loves me. I really do ache to know that somebody will know who I really am and love me anyway.
I often feel like there is little about me to love. I know there is nothing about me worthy of God's kingdom. So what's left?
I'm in the middle...well end...of a weekend of discipleship foe teenagers and the speaker made a good metaphor last night. Am I dating God or am I ready for a relationship? I'm ready for the relationship the problem is that I want to cheat. Somehow I don't think His love and acceptance is enough. I sit around at home thinking how if I had a boyfriend right now I'd have someone to support me in this time and maybe love me. I just want to feel valuable. Because I want to let a man decide if I'm valuable. Messed up!
I'm holding myself o so many standards but only one really matters. Am I running with endurance after God?
05 November 2011
<p>I'm gonna make two posts today because I've been so bad the past two or three days. This time I even had stuff to say but I just never got around to it. What a lame excuse! When is what I news to do ever more important than God? Never! </p>
<p>So the goodies from yesterday and le londemain are both found in Mark.</p>
<p>Mark 11: Jesus is talking about how we should pray. Its a much different piece then the one where we find the Lord's prayer. It's not inconsistent it's more clear.
"When you pray standing, forgive." What a wonderful concept!
And actually the other story that was interesting was the line in Matthew 22: "many are called but few are chosen."
It's humbling. I can't help but wanting to fall on my face begging the Lord to choose me. There is no way I am worthy to be chosen so I only hope that He has enough grace and will to let me in. Lord I pray this. I deserve hell and condemnation. I pray for forgiveness.
Food for thought...
02 November 2011
Crying rocks
Scene: Jesus entering Jerusalem only a week before He would be arrested, beaten, and murdered. He enters with nothing short of /glorious. Praise and aclamation were all around. As the disciples join in of course the haters start passing judgment. And what is the Lord's response? It doesn't matter who is praising but the Lord must be praised.
This is one of my favorite verses. If they were silent the rocks would cry out.
Even the rocks would cry out. God doesn't need us to bring Him praise. I love verses that make us small, that humble us.
That my praise would be more valuable then that of the rocks.
01 November 2011
Laborers in the Vineyard
In this story, the man who owns a field hires day laborers throughout the day. The first batch agree to work for a typical day's wage. Every hour or so he hires more and doesn't really set a wage with them. At the end of the day, he pays them. He gives those who had only worked an hour as much as those who had worked all day. The point is that we Christ comes at the end of time, it doesn't matter how long you have been working in the harvest, you get the same wage: eternal life. We all agreed to give everything to God for that price. Just because I've been at it for 50, 60, 90 years doesn't mean I'm entitled to more than someone who just started. It's hard for me to imagine begrudging God because newer Christians get equal payment, but I know enough about people to understand how some could think that way. But Jesus is like a broken record when He says the last shall become first and the first shall become last. He says that, or some facsimile of that, over and over and over. I think I read it like 5 times this morning alone in these 2 chapters of Matthew. P.S 5 is like my favorite exaggeration. When I say 5, I probably mean 2 or 3. Either way you slice it, God loves the humble. We are not supposed to by haughty Christians who think they deserve more for whatever reason.
In other news, today was a day that pushed me far to my limit. I don't know what I'm doing, and I feel quite helpless about my work. I feel like I need a jumpstart or some inspiration. This is not what I had in mind when I signed up, and I have a feeling that God has something else in store too. Judging by how I feel, I'm pretty sure what He wants is so different from what I want, that we have to go through this awkward period.
28 October 2011
Thanks for nothing!
~John 17:9-10
What an interesting thought! Why do we expect high praise from heaven for every little thing we do. All we did was our job. When a servant works hard all day, the master doesn't invite him in to dine with him. No! He doesn't even thank him. Why should he? Does your boss thank you everyday for doing your job? No. Maybe thanking you for doing something more, but not for doing what you are contractually obligated to do. Unless you are a slave, you already receive compensation for your work. Fair or unfair, those wages come. Do you expect to be treated like a king?
No more should you expect the royal treatment because you, say, went on a mission trip. Whoop-di-doo. You aren't the first, you aren't the last, and you certainly are the best. So why would you think you deserve special treatment? What did you do outside of your contractual obligations? We are commanded to go and make disciples. We are commanded to love our enemies. We are commanded to do many things. God doesn't have to rejoice when we do them. He expects us to do them. The difference is that we won't get fired for not doing them. The difference is that He is full of grace and mercy. So even when we don't do our jobs, He still loves us.
We are humble, lowly servants, but God does love us. We have to change our mindsets from entitlement to humility. I think that's one of our contractual obligations as well...
27 October 2011
Life suggestions
Jesus suggest something quite interesting and practical in Luke 14. He's saying that when you go to a person's house you should sit in the lowest and most humble position because you friend can always ask you to move up but how awkward is it to be asked to move down. Its like "oh...you thought you were important...awkward..."
Bur you know it happens. We all do presumptuous stuff like that where we assume we are the most important guest or that we are the most deserving. We've seen those TV shows where the person is so sure they've won a contest that they to up to accept the award even thought their name wasn't called. Awk....Ward...for sure
So it just goes to show, Jesus knows what's up. He is above all logical and practical...even if He sometimes doesn't make sense and seems to demand the impossible...:)
That's my God.
26 October 2011
~John 12: 48
God doesn't expect more than we have. He doesn't expect us to meet the same standards of righteousness or whatever. He does expect us to meet expectations that are appropriate for our level. Just like students, we have to meet them where they are. I can't expect my students to be on a level they aren't ready for. I can expect excellence based on what they do know. That's all God is expecting of us. The more we have, the more He expects.
Simple concept. Big deal.
Not to say that He has low standards for some people or that some people won't receive the same consequences. No, but the consequences fit the action, and they don't have to be universal. This I can definitely relate to. It's like having an IEP. A student with an LD is not held to the same standards as a student who is labeled gifted. I do not expect the same. Does that mean I think the LD kid isn't capable of what the gifted kid can do? Of course not! However if the LD get reverses his b's and d's when writing, am I going to count off? Probably not. If the gifted kid doesn't, he would lose points? Is this unfair? Of course not! They are two different people with two different skill sets. To whom much is given, much is required. So gifted students are held to a high standard and it is a strict standard. If it is seems right and just, why wouldn't God work that way?
Coincidentally this passage says He does. He is, after all, a God of justice!
25 October 2011
We finally see Jesus admitting who He is a claiming His place. It's good to see how He talks to God and be able to related to that style of conversation.
Then the cares of the day start to creep in and I just want to sleep. Sometimes are just days when I need rest. I don't need the pressures of writing about what I read; I just need to be held by my Father and rocked to sleep. That's today.
So no profound thoughts. Not that you'd ever see those here anyway. All I have today is a heart that knows it needs rest.
Sweet rest. Father, please renew and refresh me for tomorrow. Let me end this week as in love with you as I began. Let me love you more each day!
24 October 2011
If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing.
I am always wondering why Jesus is so secretive about His identity while He is on earth. I mean, doesn't He want people to know He's the Son of God....evdents not. He rebukes and commands people and demons to not go broadcasting His true identity. I think this verse gives a small clue as to why. If He goes around bragging and if He let's people know who He is one of two things will happen: 1) They will make Him king before it's time thus ignoring God's plan or 2) they would call Him a heroic and kill Him before it's time thus ignoring that part of the plan. There's so much timing involved with everything God does that trouble try to find glory or whatever in the way we think makes the most sense really just ruins everything. Glory for the sake of being known is hollow and pointless.
Glory for God is purpose.
23 October 2011
Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?
"Why, this is an amazing thing! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. we know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." They answered him, "You were born an utter sinner, and would you teach us?" And they cast him out.
~John 9: 30-34
It is such a great story about the man born blind. He has such amazing faith. He never presumes to know who Jesus is. He never presumes to know more than the Pharisees. Even when he gives the speech I quoted here, he is merely giving them a list of logical facts for them to follow. Of course, if they were logical, they would already know who Jesus is. Of course, they are not anywhere close to logical and so they wonder who Jesus is. They assume He is from the devil and ignore they fact He does miracles. The man born blind is right. No doubt He has a pretty big spot in Heaven. Faith like that makes anyone amazed.
I don't know the answers to your big theological questions, but I do know where I was and where I am.
That's the good news of Jesus. We don't have all the answers, but boy, do we have stories!!
22 October 2011
Anyway, God has been so faithful the past few days in a way that blows my mind. His faithfulness is just all around me right now. Thursday morning I drove to school so in love with the Lord I could hardly stand it. Those moments in the car sometimes are just so spiritual. Sometimes I really do think me and God are carpooling. :) Anyway, I was filled with thanksgiving and love for my Savior. No special reason, just that He is an AWESOME GOD!! Reason enough right there.
Things at work haven't been spectacular. Yesterday was a reminder of that. It is an uphill battle. But I would trade it or change it. I love my job!! Such a blessing, you have no idea!!!!
On that note, my church is in the end of this capital campaign and they are doing a special offering this week to push them towards the finish line. I asked God what I should give, and He said $500. That's 1/5 of my monthly take-home pay. That's a lot of money. But I trust in Him so I was ready to give it. I knew He would make a way.
And He did.
Not 4 days before the offering day, I get a letter in my box: a salary upgrade! I completed my master's degree a few weeks after I was hired for my job, so my salary started out a the bachelor's grade. I honestly thought I'd have to wait for my next contract to get the upgrade. Oh no! Not when God's involved. Not only do I now get paid at the Master's level (a solid $5,000 more a year) but I get paid retroactively for the months I worked with a Master's at the Bachelor's pay level.
I was like "SERIOUSLY!!!??"
Talk about a God thing. Here I was really stressed about my finances and saving money and buying an apartment and trusting the Lord to provide and what does He do?
Plain and simple. He is the most faithful. Nobody can match Him. Nobody can guess what He's going to do. When you sit back and let Him do what He does best, BIG things happen.
Faithful. You are ever Faithful. You are ever Faithful to us God! Amen!
19 October 2011
Children v dogs
Matthew 15:26
I wondered a lot what this meant this morning. Why would Jesus say that He came just for the children of Israel? How did He get from that message to the message at the end of Matthew in the Great Commission? What changed that all the sudden, Gentiles could get a piece of the action? What about the Roman centurion? Why did he get help but this woman is getting a test? I find it highly perplexing.
But I know still that my God loves me, a gentile, and even though He said He was sent only to the lost sheep in Israel, he help this woman because of her faith. He doesn't turn His back on any of us because we are all His children. I'm not sure why this story happened the way it did, nor am I sure why sometimes Jesus heals with a word versus sometimes He touches a man's tongue. What I do know it that by the time Matthew 28 rolls around, Jesus is no longer all about Israel. The mission changes. He is ascending, and so the mission changes. He may have come to preach to Israel, but that is not the only work God is doing. He doesn't want Israel to just think about their own. Not any more than He wants the Church to just think about her own. God wants us devoted to making disciples. No matter who they are.
God is in the business of changing lives. I think this story is actually a pretty good example of that...
18 October 2011
Nom Nom
All that to say that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We're supposed to eat of Him and drink of Him. The people listening to this message were right to find this strange. Some guy is telling you to get your nom on on His flesh. Nasty. But of course, 2,000 years later we know the significance of this metaphor, and we understand that we aren't supposed to nor could we if we wanted to, eat Jesus. He's in heaven, which ain't located at the corner QT.
But good news is, Jesus was talking completely spiritually. He's talking about consuming His Spirit with our spirit. Our spirits get hungry too. They get thirsty. They want meat, or some fiber, or a nice tall class of sweet tea. Once again I'm taking the metaphor too far and it stops making sense, but the point remains. Our souls are what is eating the Bread of Life. Not our mouths (because once again, that is grooosssss).
But only the chosen are at this meal. God doesn't let anyone have their fill. God has chosen those who will receive the Son and those who will never get it. God picks us, so He is the one leading us and filling us.
Final thought: "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent" John 6:29
17 October 2011
Mark 6:31
What a wonderful message! The disciples had just gotten through with their first mission. Jesus doesn't send them out again, but says, "Hey guys, let's go rest." Jesus always knew when it was time to pause and wait.
Now who knows how much resting they actually got done because not soon after they arrived at their desolate place, a crowd showed up. The crowd that would later require a miracle in order to be fed. 5,000 men and their plus ones. When you hear the disciples begging Jesus to sent them away it makes a lot more sense when you realize they were probably tired and hungry themselves. It's not that they didn't believe Jesus could perform a miracle, they just were to tired to continue serving those people.
We all get to that point. We pour and pour and pour, but eventually we just want to pack up and go home. We all get tired. That's why rest is soooo important. That's why Jesus got up early every day to spend time with His Father. That is rest. Reading, praying, sitting, listening.
This running around business just leaves us empty. No wonder we stop pouring, we have nothing left. We haven't taken the time to be filled.
I don't really know where this thought was going, but there it is...
15 October 2011
Go home
Mark 5:19-20
Sometimes, Jesus isn't calling us away. If you're like me, you hear stories of people being called to places all over the world to do things that require incredible amounts of faith. I heard a story about a girl not much older than me who went on a "routine" mission trip to Uganda. Seeing the orphans there just was too much for her, and she knew God was calling her there to care for them. She ended up adopting some dozen orphans in Uganda and picking up all herself and moving there. No family. No friends. Probably no language. And most of all, she left behind a serious boyfriend. Like, that takes some serious faith. That's not something you just do for no reason.
I hear stories like that, and I get mixed emotions. I wonder if I would have that courage. I wonder if God has that in store for me. I'm not afraid of it. In fact, I know in my heart it would be thrilling and so wonderful, but then I think about where I am. I know God wants me teaching. Somedays I don't know why, but I know that this is my place right now. I wonder if in 1, 5, 15 years that place will change, but as for right now, I'm doing what He has called me to. He hasn't called me to leave my friends and family to follow Him. No. In fact I still live with my family... God has called me to tell of what He has done to my friends. I'm not one of those who gets to go on a crazy adventure that makes great stories to tell in front of the congregation. I think God knows that would be an easier life for me. I think He knows that I can adapt to crazy and exciting. It's boring and mundane that is tough. It's being here - among the "Sunday Christians" or the middle-class agnostics that are so common - that is tough. How do you minister to these people?
But God said to me "Go home to you friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you." And He has done great things.
No. Sometimes He calls us to stay right where we are. Africa is not the "Mission Field". The whole world is a mission field. My house. My school. My neighborhood. My corner store.
Plane ticket not required.
13 October 2011
So Jesus says they would get a sign just like Jonah. He would spend 3 days in the earth and would come back. But even at this miracle, they won't believe. Hardness of heart is a state. It is not easily changed. Someone who doesn't want to believe won't believe no matter what you show them.
We all know closed minded people and we find them frustrating. Unfortunately, we can't do anything to change them. No amount of proof or arguing will change someone's minds. Especially if they are that closed off. It's sad but true. But Jesus knew He'd get this reaction even before He came. And yet He came.
Would you come to save people you knew would want to kill you?
12 October 2011
Matthew 11:28-30
I feel like this is the biggest thing we all need and want from Jesus. Not just salvation but rest. We can all agree that life in this world is tiring! At the end of a long week, who among us isn't glad for the weekend? Who doesn't enjoy sleeping in (even if it's only an hour or so)? We all long for rest for our bodies, but what about rest for our souls? My soul gets tired. It's hard to find times to let your soul rest. But I have found that to find rest, I just have to be more trusting in the Lord. If I'm not anxious or worrying or stressed out, everything seems so much more peaceful. My soul is resting because it has nothing to do but be totally in love with Jesus.
Think about it. What are the things that consume your soul? What would it feel like to no longer have to worry about those things? Instead of carrying the yoke of worry, carry the yoke of Jesus. Instead of carrying the yoke of longing, carry the yoke of Jesus. Instead of fretting, lusting, or hating, simple love Jesus. Take His yoke upon you.
Yoke is a weird word, but we all know about those things that oxen and cows used to carry on their necks. Sometimes my cares definitely feel like a heavy wooden thing on my shoulders. How nice it is when that is lifted!
11 October 2011
What I have seen
Luke 7:22
This is what I have seen. Yes it's in the Bible. Yes it's throughout history, but I have seen miracles too. I have seen dead walk or any miraculous healings (though I have heard some tales!) No, I haven't seen that, but I've seen people who were spiritually blind made to see or deaf and hear. I've seen people cleansed of filth way worse than leprosy. And most of all, I've seen people who might as well have been dead given new life. I've seen that type of life-transformation. I've seen students be set of fire with passion for the Lord. I've seen old sin wiped away. I've seen brokenness forgotten and restored. The questions and the logic don't matter. You just have to tell what you've seen.
John wanted to know who Jesus was. Jesus told John' disciples to tell John what they had seen. He didn't say, "Tell him I am He - the Christ" No, he said tell him what you've seen. They saw miracles. The miracles speak for themselves. You don't have to have the logical explanations. Jesus speaks for Himself.
Look around. You will see Him. He is constantly revealing Himself. Are you blind?
10 October 2011
Be attitudes
and way down here is where we can reach by ourselves -------------
and way down at the bottom of the page is where we most likely are...no matter what we think.
It's like Jesus is saying, "I know you think you are pretty righteous all by yourself, but let me really tell you what the standard is for righteousness. Then we'll see if you measure up." God gave us the Law, but Jesus took it a step or two further. In case you were wondering how short you fall...
But the beauty is that it doesn't matter. If we walk humbly, recognizing the fact that we are not anywhere close to as righteous as we should or even could be, if we can live in that way, we will find our way into the Kingdom. God doesn't call us to perfection (Praise the Lord). If He did, who could stand before Him? But we are instead called into humility. Sometimes, humility is even harder. But it's the only thing we can do. Looking at the sermon on the mount, that is the one theme. Being humble. No matter what someone does to you. The less reward you receive on earth, the more you will get in heaven. The less recognition you get on earth, the more you will get in heaven. Is it not true? Those who do things just for attention have already received their reward. God's got nothing to offer them (or at least they act that way). They don't want what God has to offer.
Their loss...
09 October 2011
The rains came down
What I found especially convicting in today's reading was the line in Luke where Jesus says to give to everyone who begs of you. I am notorious for walking right by beggars and needy people I see. Frankly, they make me nervous. Sometimes, I don't have anything to give them. Usually, I just don't want to. Does this make me a bad person? Yes. Will I change? Probably not. It's not that I am ungenerous. I give all kinds of money away. I just don't like giving to them. You never know what they are going to do with money. And it's hard to stop and talk to them. Especially being the young white female I am. You can't just stop on the side of the road and chat with a homeless person. It's all kinds of sketchy.
I know I should have more compassion towards these people, and that's why this passage is so convicting. I don't have much compassion for the homeless. I feel sorry for them. But beyond that, mah. If they were children, my heart would break. Lord, help me to have a heart like yours!
My house is not built on sand where the floods immediately wash it away. One little trial and BOOM gone! No, my house is built on the Rock. No matter how high the waters go, the damage will not be great. My house will not wash away. I may lose my fancy big screen, but the foundations - the structure will always remain. I'm not sure what my big screen is a metaphor for, but it sounded nice, right?
No storms will wash me away. I have a solid house and a rain jacket.
08 October 2011
I don't think it's a coincidence that this sort of passage can appear in the book of John. The book that starts off by saying Jesus is the Word. Following the Scriptures is not what saves us, no matter what the Pharisee's thought. Jesus is what saves us. The Scriptures are all about Him. He's all over the Bible. If you read it you see it.
I just can't stop marveling at how amazing Jesus is! Reading His word in this way - you know actually reading and comprehending the words - it's so much better! I've read the Bible 3 times cover to cover, and this is my 4th time through. I guess 4th time is the charm in this case? Either way you slice it, the person I am right now is getting so much out of this experience. I've never read those verses above - and I mean really read them. There are 2 levels of reading (and as a reading teacher I am, of course, an expert -haha): visually and mentally. You can either read with just your eyes and only see the words. Or you can read with your brain and actually understand what you just looked at.
I am mentally devouring God's Word and loving every morsel!
07 October 2011
Mach 2
Maybe there is no relationship. Maybe these metaphors are meant to stand alone. They last two both refer to getting rid of old stuff in order to make room for the new. Well at least the wineskin one does. I think the clothes one just messes with me. In another Gospel, it says you don't mix new garments with old. So I'm going with that train of thought. When we begin to follow Jesus, we cannot put all the new we are receiving by the Spirit into the old that we have by the Flesh. No! We must make room for the new and throw out the old. And then once it has aged and matured, nothing is tastier that old wine.
"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
The Sabbath is not something to enslave us. I know most people just ignore that commandment. I break it regularly - every Sunday in fact. But God gave us that day so we could rest. Not so we could do Him some sort of glory by our piousness. NO! We bring Him glory by taking away all the distractions and focusing only on Him. Doing homework on Sunday puts school before God. Making lesson plans on Sunday puts my job before God. Think about how you profane the Sabbath and what you are putting before God. Is it worth it? I know it's not in my life.
So I plan to change. My job is not more important than my God. I give my Sundays to you Lord!
06 October 2011
Jesus became human for the experience. He came so He could take everything that it meant for God to be real and tell us about it. Show it to us. We're pretty blind, stupid, and ignorant. We need pictures, diagrams, gestures, verbal readings, and incentives to understand anything. I'm a teacher. I know. I watch kids ask me what to do when the directions are written on the piece of paper.
I bet that's how God feels. We ask Him what to do, but we're not even trying to figure it out for ourselves, and what's more, we weren't even listening when He gave us the directions in the first place. He reads it all to us and explains it, just like any good teacher. We are the trying kids in the class who, without raising our hands, shout out in a slightly agitated voice, "What are we supposed to do?"
I wonder if God responds like I do. With a look and a "Really?"
Of course He doesn't. I know that because I never respond that way, as much as I want to. When you really want to help someone learn, you teach them. So God came into the world to show us the light. Whether we receive His testimony or turn aside, He wants to tell us it. He wants us to pay attention. He's trying to help us learn. We can either choose to succeed or choose to fail.
Life is a lot like the classroom. And I just made a text-to-self connection. Where's my double-entry journal?
05 October 2011
Then there were those who left everything to follow Jesus. The disciples who said, "You know what, fishing is great and all, but I think the Jesus guy has what I really need." (And how great could fishing really be? ) They had a regular average mundane boring run-of-the-mill existence, then God changed it into something worthy of being written down 4 times in the Most Holy Book every written. The only book worth reading. The only book that will always be read. The only book that will last forever. And forever shall their names be mentioned as the first among the Saints (not the Catholic kind - the regular, we-all-fall-into-this-category-as-Christians kind) And too think, so many things could have kept them from following. Some strange guys comes up to you and tells you to put out your nets again! You've been at it all day, can't he see that? But He's different, so you believe Him. Reluctantly.
Best decision you ever make.
04 October 2011
Another impressive part is John the Baptist's commission to the people who come to get baptized. He tells them to go and live righteously. He doesn't say they have to choose a new life plan, but they have to change their plan to be righteous. He tells the tax collector how to be righteous. Jesus doesn't call us all to be missionaries but rather to just live righteously and produce good fruit. There is a difference.
Lastly, watching Jesus pray is awesome. He gets up early and spends Lord only knows how long in prayer. Evidently, He had some success in that prayer time because when He sees the disciples, He has marching orders and is ready to go. No second guessing or what ifs. It's business time. It goes back to the sense of timing. There's also a sense of urgency. Jesus didn't come to fart around and have a good time. NO! He was Kingdom focused and He knew His mission. As much as He loved to stay and heal those He was with, He knew there were others who need Him more. He didn't waste time.
Of course, being God, He could see the big picture. We are limited to guessing at the big picture. We can still pray. We can still hear from God. We may not understand His thoughts and ways, but they are revealed to us when we ask. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be.
Jesus brought the Good News to those who needed it most. Immediately.
03 October 2011
My Father's business
I love how human Mary and Joseph are. They seem like people with complete faith and trust in the Lord, but they really aren't. They both show moments of fear, worry, and doubt. It amazes me how the miraculous circumstances of Jesus's birth could be so easily forgotten. That is, they saw the greatest miracle in history and yet they still have trouble trusting the Lord's plan. They forget almost that Jesus is the Son of God. Not just another human boy, but divine. Ain't no way God's gonna let nothing happen to His son. Sometimes we people do just forget that God is there. He is there. He's not cooking dinner or something so He's busy right now. NO! He's right with us and He is working for our good. Fear and worry creep in and doubt overwhelms us. But in reality, we have nothing to fear. Oh the time we waste worrying about what God might do or could do! Oh the time we waste in fear of what He won't do. But the second we start second guessing God's perfect and good will for our lives, that's when doubt sets in and when things actually do start messing up.
So go about the Father's business, trusting that no matter where He takes you, He wants you there.
02 October 2011
For unto us a child is born
Something sort of interesting struck me in reading Matthew 1 and the first part of Luke 2. Mary was betrothed. God could have picked any virgin to birth His son. Isaiah didn't prophecy nothing about their being a fiance. But there was. The family is an important concept to those who fear God. Even the Son of the Most High needs a mother and a father. Just saying.
God' plan coming into action. Matthew mentions the 14 generations between Abraham and David. And then another 14 generations from David to the exile. Then a final 14 generations until He fulfilled His promise to David: to establish his kingdom forever. A Seed of David shall reign forever!! Hallelujah!! It might seem a long time to wait, but it's not. At just the right moment, Jesus stepped down from heaven to save the earth. To be a light to the Gentiles and for glory to His people Israel.
I have seen the Light. It is good. He is good. He fills me with so much joy each day I can hardly stand it! If there were words to describe the feelings I have right now about my God, believe me, I would write them. But there just aren't. So if you know Him, then you know what I mean. If not, I pray that you would know. It is like nothing on this earth. Jesus may have lived here, but he is not of the world. Anything from Him is on a whole other level. Reading His word has the power to wipe away everything else I'm worried or thinking about. Right now, everything else seems so small compared to the Glory of my God.
I guess it's one of those things where you have to be there...
01 October 2011
The Beginning
Reading the beginning of the New Beginning is powerful. Before Jesus was even born, God was on the move. God was working to prepare the way, just as He had promised in Malachi (yesterday). Then Jesus came. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. His own did not receive Him. But we who do receive Him can be called children of God who are born of God.
Do you receive that good news?
The Spirit is at work in Luke 1. He's working hard to make sure the will of the Father is done. Zechariah is muted because of his unbelief, probably so he can't mess anything up. Elizabeth his wife seems to have enough faith for the both of them. She seems completely filled with the Spirit. I love the strong female images in this chapter. Very few woman get to say much of anything in the Bible, but these two women - Elizabeth and Mary - say their fair share. Mary even authored part of the chapter. She will be considered blessed among women. I do consider her blessed. I guess it's my womanyness that makes me think how blessed she is to have carried the Son of God. Wow. And she accepted the challenge so willingly. True faith is shown in these women.
And so the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. And so it begins.
30 September 2011
Solid gold
Malachi is a fantastic book. I never realized it. Maybe it's not the book so.much as God's Word in general. I tend to love all of it. The best tidbits are what the Lord says another marraige. He tells men to be faithful to the wife of their youth because God has brought them together and they are one before gos. I also love that He gives a number one purpose foe marriage : to produce godly offspring. He even mentions how His spirit is in their union. I had no idea this passage was here. Good word.
Further, the concept of tithing is mentioned. It challenges is to give and see if God does not bless. I know He does. The more faithfully we give, the more faithfullly He gives to is. And God's. Faithfulness can't be matched...EVER!!
He is so good there's just no stopping Him. He works with us because He loves us. He moves without us because He is greater than us. What an awesome God we serve!!
25 September 2011
Less than our iniquities deserve
Clearly the answer to that question is no. It's not the interracial part that God frowns upon, but He does not want us to be "yoked to unbelievers". Jesus says it. The problem with a Jew not marrying a Jew is not that Jew's are better - no! It's that a non-Jew doesn't have the covenant with God. That was the problem. A believer needs a believer as a spouse. Look at Solomon. All his many foreign wives were what distracted him from God. Song of Solomon is not written to one of the foreign wives, but to a Jewish bride. I think it's intentional...
What's interesting in Ezra is how quickly every repents. For once, Israel recognizes their mistake and repents. They mourn and feel terribly guilty. They make offerings and fast. They recognize that God could punish them more, but He is punishing them less than their sins deserve (9:13). Isn't that true for all of us? God punishes me way less than my sins deserve. Why do I never fall and rip my clothes in anguish because of the iniquities in my life?
I think these chapters of Ezra are a call to take our sins much more seriously. We have to respond according to the grievousness of our actions. Yes, Jesus has paid the price and we are forgiven. However, we still messed up and need to ask for that forgiveness. God forgave these people because they humbled themselves. We must always do the same.
24 September 2011
Such a time as this
I went through a Beth Moore study on Esther. Once you focus so intensely on a book for a period of time, it's hard to read it again with fresh eyes. That's the problem I have when reading Esther. Still, there's always fresh goodies to be seen. It's a great book filled with encouragement and irony. Got to love how God works things out.
I guess the best part is in chapter 4 verse 14. "For is you keeps silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" How else can you respond to that except with "If I perish, I perish". Mordecai was explaining to Esther that she has been called by God to do something big. But God, being God, doesn't need her. He is fully capable of delivering His people without anyone's help. She has been called, but God doesn't need her. Esther chooses to step up to the plate. She probably knows her Jewish history well enough to realize that her God can deliver her from anything.
And He did.
He allowed vengeance where it was earned and victory where it was needed. You can crush God's people and get away with it.
So who knows in your life or in mine. Maybe God has called us here for such a time as this? Life somethings sucks or somethings we have big shoes to fill. But who knows?
I'll tell you what I know. If you hear a call to do something that seems right but impossible, chances are you'd better do it. God doesn't call us to things that we can do alone. What's the point in that?
22 September 2011
So good so so good
Today's reading was just all kinds of meaty. I finished up the book of Zechariah and it was so great. So much stuff about God's forgiveness and faithfulness. So much prophecy about how he is going to be looking out for is always. It was just a great way to start my day today.
Sometimes I find myself very discouraged and tired. Like I'm not making any kind of difference on my work. Its tiring. I want to bringing God glory on what o do and it is defontielg a balancing act. I feel eventually I will get it all together. I'm definitely putting a better door coward with some of my students. I just have to remember what works and embrace that.....
I just have to remember that God works and embrace THAT. Really at the end of the day its all that matters...
And I'm going to see my first 3D movie tomorrow and it happens to be the Lion King so life can't be all that bad,right?
21 September 2011
Pants on the ground
Remove his filthy garments from him... I will remove his iniquity from him and clothe him in pure vestments.
Zechariah 3:4
How sweet it is to have fresh new clothes and more so to have every sin and mistake taken away. How sweet indeed!
It's interesting how some metaphors are so common in the Bible. Connections between clothing and cleanliness. The importance of having clean clothes and pure vestments as it were.
Praise the Lord for the good news that all our sins are taken away!!
08 September 2011
A couple days together...
So Ezekiel 33-39...I know it's a lot to cover but ill try my best. So first of Ezekiel 33 talks about bad shepherds in Israel and how God plans on giving Israel a new shepherd, David, to tend to them. Now is it actually David? Of course not! That's what's so great! I've said it once ill say it till I die, I love how Jesus appears in the OT. Not by name but by action! It really is good stuff.
This turned into a couple of weeks...I will skip the rest of Ezekiel and move on to Daniel. I had no idea that there was so much prophecy in that book. I had always just assumed that it was the furnace and the lion's den then boom done. Au contraire! He predicts Jesus returning and reigning. Its pretty crazy stuff and for me was really exciting to read.
Yesterday I was in Ezra and today my study put me in Haggai. Both deal with the rebuilding of God's House after the captivity. It's interesting how God says he frustrate the labors of the Israelites until they started rebuilding His house because He deserves to be remembered and worshipped before they started rebuilding their own lives. I feel like that's an important concept. After anything we go through we need to make sure the first step to rebuilding our lives is rebuilding our place of worship and beginning to worship again. I know I've ignores this step and it did feel like my cause was frustrated.
For example my computer. Now ethat it's working again I need to get back to worshipping God and not worrying about downloading music....
05 September 2011
I wish i had more to say...
My computer never works anymore so I have to type these on my cellphone...yeah for technology? It's making it used for me to keep my commitment. For awhile there I felt like. Was getting so much out of what I was reading each morning because I would have these deep insights from the Lord. Now I read the passages and can't write about them so I barely remember them. As a reading teacher I know that making connections with a text is a FANTASTIC reading strategy but it's hard to do with just any verse...especially when it's talking about the same themes as always: as a result of God's judgment and wrath people will know that He is an awesome God. And there's no doubt that He is. He makes promises that He keeps. He gives and takes away but it's always for the best...
That was the lesson I got out of yesterday...yesterday we had the memorial service for a cousin of mine. I don't know if she's with the Lord now or nor but I pray that she is. It's so much harder when you don't know where they ended up. But for reasons only He knows, the Lord took her from this earth. Just like He took Ezekiel's wife, He took my cousin. Not so we could greive and be sad. People die...it's the nature of the world we live in. We can greive but if we mourned everyone who left is it would never stop. Sure it's harder when they aren't a believer but eventually we have to move on...
I know all that comes across as insensitive but it's what I got.
In other news, I'm feeling like I'm very close to becoming like the daughter talkes about in metaphor in this book...you know the whorey ones...it's not who I want to be but I feel like it's my default setting sometimes...I know that's a lie and that my default setting is now Daughter of God but still....these are the things I deal with...
For not having much to say, my thumbs are really tired...
02 September 2011
Maybe I'm inventing something else...
So the expression don't reinvent the wheel always applies to me a little to well. I think it must be like my favorite thing to do. That I put too much on my plate. I know God made me this way...he gave me a servants heart for a reason, but at the end of the day I feel tired. I try to do too much by myself and tend to not let others help me. I just don't like to ask for help. I don't want anyone else to be inconvenienced. I know it's a problem.
Sometimes I feel like I am my own idol. I get so proud of the things that I accomplish that I lose sight of Him who helped me accomplish them to begin with. I can't do anything alone and I often forget that fact. Often.
You'd think I would have learned by now to start relying on others because I know someday soon it will cause me problems...oh well. I tend to learn things the hard way...
In trying to be the best at what God has called me to do, I have become very prideful of what God has allowed me to do. Honestly at the end of the day I pray the kids are learning... please Lord let them be learning. Don't let me get in the way of the goal.
It may be a wheel...or maybe I'm reinventing something else...
01 September 2011
Ain't no rest for the wicked
Remember back when Osama Bin Laden was killed? I remember an equal number of my Christian friends quoting a certain verse on Facebook - Ezekiel 18:23. It bothered me then, and it bothers me know. It's not that it isn't true, because after all it is in Scripture. And it's not that it doesn't apply, because it most certainly can. However, this verse is talking about someone who is wicked and repents of his evil ways to become righteous. Shall he live? The Lord says "...for the righteousness that he has done he shall live. Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declare the Lord, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?" (verses 22-23). So yeah, it applies, but is it the best choice to convey that point? NO! If all of these people would have just kept reading, I believe they would have found the best choice: verse 32. "For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live." Not only does it convey that God hates death, but it encourages others to avoid that fate.
The real problem with quoting verse 23 is that it gives a skewed picture. Yes, God doesn't rejoice in the death of the wicked, but that doesn't mean He doesn't think they deserve to die. He is a God of justice. All of chapter 18 is talking about how God judges people. We are judged by our own sins. "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, not the father shall suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." (verse 20). The wicked can't escape their fate. God doesn't want anybody to die, but justice is justice. "Yet you say, 'The way of the Lord is not just'. Hear now, O house of Israel: Is my way not just? Is it not your ways that are not just?" (verse 25).
I was sad to see this quote so much on that day because I feel like it misrepresent the Lord's perspective. So next time a major terrorist is killed - could we all just quote verse 32?
31 August 2011
Ezekiel 17 is another metaphor, but at the end is the part I like. God is talking about making a big tree grow in Israel where all the birds come to chill. God mentions how powerful He is to make trees grow, or shrink, and make grass die or flourish. I heard once that the Kingdom of God is compared to a tree. I pretty sure Jesus does it in the NT but I could be wrong, and this could be the passage I'm thinking of. Either way, it's a cool idea. God establishes His Kingdom in Israel and all the other nations come there to nest. We have a home and it is in the House of the Lord.
Boy do I need to be there today!
30 August 2011
So there is a purpose God? You do things for a reason? This whole passage is discussing how God is punishing Israel so they might know Him. He's not just doing it because He's angry or anything like that. He wants His children back. Repeatedly he mentions the phrase "...and you shall know that I am the Lord". This phrase always follows a promise of destruction. Yeah. The Lord says we shall know Him because who else could punish this way? Who else could it be? False prophets prophecied things that didn't come true, so that we might know the Lord. We shall know Him because He is revealing Himself in everything.
Do you get it? God is always doing things so that we might know Him and fear Him and love Him. He's not just trying to discipline us. That's not His style.
"When you see their ways, and their deeds, and you shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, declares the Lord God." Ezekiel 14:23
God does not act without purpose - He's too big for that.
29 August 2011
How He loves
Maybe it's just me, but reading the Word of the Lord towards the Israelites is full of seeing God's sorrow. His jealousy. He is angry at His people, but under His justice and anger, I sense His sadness that His people could be so unfaithful. I sense His jealousy that they would trust others before Him. He mentions His own power repeatedly as if to drive it into their heads that He is more powerful than their idols. Are you listening? "I will speak the word that I will speak, and it will be performed" (3:25). He is God. We can't stop Him. We can't control Him.
It's both scary and reassuring. Depends on whose side you're on. I'm on the Lord's side. I know He wills great things for me and that those things will happen.
He is jealous for me. He loves like a hurricane, and I'm like a tree bending beneath the weight of His winds and mercies. All of the sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by Glory. I realize just how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me!
How He loves us, oh!!!
28 August 2011
-Ezekiel 1:28
Maybe I'm making a connection that shouldn't be made, but I'm of the opinion that, in Scripture, if you can make it, it's probably intentional. After the flood, the rainbow was a promise from God that He would never punish by destruction the whole earth again. In this passage, Ezekiel is looking at the Glory of the Lord, and he compares it to a rainbow. Another promise. A promise that even though God is punishing Israel, it's not to destroy them. A promise of coming salvation. A promise of so many things. To see a rainbow around the Lord! How fitting!!
The first few books of Ezekiel (1-8) are full of a lot of really cool imagery. The Lord gives all these symbols and signs to Ezekiel. Some of the highlights are that the Lords says that even silver and gold won't save Israel from the wrath of the Lord. No matter how hard we try, our stuff can't save us. Also, there's a neat line where the Spirit strengthens Ezekiel to stand. Sometimes I forget that the Holy Spirit is a present in the Old Testament as He is in the New. He's there. He's working.
All throughout history, God has never changed. He's still a God of love, justice, and mercy. He is a God with a plan who keeps His promises.
26 August 2011
I think my computer hates me
So lamentations 3 is pretty sweet! After all the lamenting that Jeremiah does, he brings it back in focus again with some awesome ideas about how faithful God is and how even in His judgment, He still has mercy! Still has steadfast love. Read it...it's good :)
24 August 2011
Same old song...
I won't lie...the internet malfunction this morning was convenient. My life is so rushed. It's hrard to make time for the important things. This morning's passage was sort of redundent-the same old doom and gloom. I know scripture is always fresh, but sometimes it's hard to hear. I wish I weren't so deaf. Tomorrow is another day. I have faith - if nothing else...
23 August 2011
One comment I will make is about labor. Sunday, my pastor said something about references to birth pains in the Bible and I've been thinking about it a lot since. In this passage, birth pains is mentioned a lot. Birth pains are the punishment of Eve. However, what comes at the end of birth pains? A baby! The best miracle I can think of! I think it's interesting that the Lord is predicting sorrow and anguish like a woman in labor upon all of these nations. They are being punished, but after the punishment, comes new life?
Jeremiah 49-50
"In those days and in that time, declares the Lord, the people of Israel and the people of Judah shall come together, weeping as they come, and they shall seek the Lord their God. The shall ask the way to Zion, with faces turned toward it, saying, 'Come, let us join ourselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant that will never be forgotten.'" 50:4
"In those days and in that time, declares the Lord, iniquity shall be sought in Israel, and there shall be none, and sin in Judah, and none shall be found, for I will pardon those who I leave as a remnant." 50:20
"I will appoint over her whomever I choose. For who is like me? Who will summon me? What shepherd can stand before me?" 50:44
Not one Lord, not one!!
22 August 2011
Lord of hosts
I didn't realize until a few days ago when I was reading a version of Cinderella, that the word "hosts" when used in the expression "Lord of hosts" might just be referring the Lord's army. God is the Lord of hosts because He has many who go out with Him to fight! Hosts isn't referring to fat little baby angels. No! Warrior angels who get the job done!!
Reading the Bible is so much easier when you have full command of a language. Or so I presume...I don't actually know because I'm still working on my English...which is my native language...
Further, I find it interesting (and I forgot to say this yesterday in the passage I first saw it) that God predicts punishment on the Egyptians not only because of their own sin, but also because Judah is seeking refuge there. God predicts that He will give them over to Babylon, and I'm no history buff, but something like that happens...
God gives power, and He takes it away. These chapters show that clearly. God lists their sins they kept committing and tells them how they will pay for it. I wonder if an humbled themselves and repented? Doubtful...His own people rarely do that...
21 August 2011
I don't really know what to say about what I read this morning. Jeremiah predicted doom and gloom over the remnant of Judah, they didn't listen and went to Egypt anyway, and the Lord said "Ok, but be ready for what's to come!"
I find it very hard to focus on anything when I have so much to do for school. I wish I weren't so behind. At least now, I have a clear plan and direction to follow. Lord, help me to remember that it's all for you! Help me not get so caught up in myself. Help me stay humble. I don't want to end up like Judah...
I need you God!!! Speak to me at the service today. Make today productive because of your provision!!
20 August 2011
-Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even when things are bad, you have to praise the Lord. Even when 4th period is insane, and you're 7th period just won't listen, you have to praise the Lord. Even when you have no lesson plans for Monday and no time to write them, you have to praise the Lord. Even when you have a friend who sucks the very life out of you, you have to praise the Lord. Because even when all else fails, the Lord is everlasting.
"The eternal mountains were scattered; the everlasting hills sank low. His were the everlasting ways."
-Habakkuk 3:6
At the end of the day, only one thing matters. Even if teaching blows up in disaster, at least I have the Lord. What I'm struggling with is working as if for the Kingdom while still being Jesus to my friends. It's a fine line and I think I'm on the side of being a work-a-holic. I'm addicted to those kids though. I can't be an ok teacher, I have to be the best. I won't settle for anything less because I am doing this for the Lord. I can't just halfway plan for them, or take the easy way and lecture to these kids. No! I have to carry out my ideas. I have to give 5000% because that's what they deserve. Is it killing me? Probably. Is it making me stressed about making other commitments, heck yes! I wasted hours yesterday just chatting because I couldn't bring myself to excuse myself. I have a lot to do and no time to do it. I'm kicking myself because I wasted so much time this past week. I feel disorganized and in chaos. MAHARAYAHRAHAHRARHG!!!
But the Lord is an everlasting God. His are the everlasting ways.
We got this.
19 August 2011
-2 Chronicles 36:21
What an interesting idea! I had never made this connection. God left His dwelling place bare for seventy years to make up for all of those Sabbaths that hadn't been kept since long before (Josiah?). To be specific, the writer says, "until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths." The land was tired. It was probably being abused and overworked. It needed to rest. We all need rest.
"Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God be with him. Let him go up.'"
-2 Chronicles 36:23
How interesting that a Persian King, who is not Jewish, could be so in touch with God. I know the stories of Cyrus, they come later in the Bible. It always intrigues me that God would choose someone outside of His people to rebuild His house. But Cyrus was being pretty faithful to God. He had realized that all his power comes from the Lord, and any time he forgot that, the Lord sure helped him remember. I just think it's cool.
I just think God is cool. He always surprises me. He works in ways I would never expect or plan. He shows me things and humbles me with His greatness. I don't know why He would ever choose me to use me, but He has, and so I will follow His crazy plans where ever they lead because I'd rather be following God's crazy plans than my own.
18 August 2011
Sometimes it's okay to give up
Jeremiah explicitly tells King Zedekiah that he needs to surrender to the Chaldeans when they show up to take over. But the king doesn't, and he pays the price (2 eyeballs and all his houses). However, the Lord also command all of His people to serve the Chaldeans, and they would be rewarded. Promise made, Promise kept. They served them, and they flourished even while being ruled by foreigners.
So yeah, sometimes God wants us to surrender in order to live. We have to give up in order to win. It's a hard thing to do. Can you imagine the heat Zedekiah would have taken for surrendering? Though it can't be much worse than running like a coward. I don't even know why he asked Jeremiah's opinion if he wasn't even gonna try. Some battles aren't worth fighting, but running is never an appropriate response. You either stand and fight, or you surrender.
It's just funny to me how God can give such clear instructions that can be so blatantly ignored. Like in my own life... :/
17 August 2011
Hardness of heart
Today is a little bit harder to write about. I'm having one of those mornings. I'm trying to get myself together to be ready to see my students, but all I have is tired. What Word does the Lord have for me today?
In this passage, Jeremiah is repeatedly trying to get the attention of Israel and the king of Judah, but they won't listen. They have no fear of the Lord. The king even burns the scroll Jeremiah wrote that was from God. If that doesn't say, "God, Your Word means nothing!" I don't know what does. But that's what went on.
Keep my heart from being hard Lord. Let me always listen to wise council, even if I think my way is better. I think this might be the Word for me today. When I get to school, and people start making suggestions of how I could do things, I should listen. When they say, "Don't reinvent the wheel" I know they were talking to me. It is evidently my life goal to write a curriculum by myself because it's what I've set out to do. I don't want to be a teacher island, I just don't know how to collaborate. Help me have courage to work with others, to ask for help, to ask for ideas. Help me listen even when I think I have the best idea ever. Give me energy for the day Lord!
Coffee doesn't cut it because my joy comes from the Lord.
16 August 2011
The Lord is our Righteousness
-Jeremiah 33: 14-15
Jesus. Righteous Branch of David. I get so excited when I see God predicted Jesus. It is so reassuring. (Have I said this?) In my Bible I have written on the inside covers "Promise made (front) Promise kept (back)". I took it from a sermon I heard once upon a time (pretty sure it was Andy Stanley). That's the Bible right there. God spends time making a series of promises and then you see those promises come true. Every last one. Like God's plan is huge! It blows my mind!
Speaking of God's plan: there's another verse earlier in chapter 33. It's verse 2: "...the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it -- the Lord is his name".
Think about it...God is promising doom and gloom on His people, but He gives them this reassurance. He says, "Look yall (because at heart God is a Southern Baptist (sarcasm)), I know it seems like I'm bent on destroying the whole world anytime someone messes up, but I created this earth to establish it. Now that's a pretty long term deal. Yall and yall sin can't disrupt my plans to establish my Kingdom."
God has a plan for the earth. For us. He's had it planned since He created it. He knows what He is doing. Isn't it incredible!!! I serve a pretty awesome God!
Just saying...
15 August 2011
New Covenant
-Jeremiah 31:31-34
Jesus is what's coming. The New Covenant. I will put my law within them - Holy Spirit. And we shall all know Him because the veil has been torn and we all have access to God. He has forgiven us as He promised He would. He will remember our sins no more.
All this on the wings of prophecies of destruction, but a whole chapter devoted to God's promise to restore them. To turn their mourning into joy. To give them a new covenant. To hear them when they cry out. Hallelujah praise the Lord for this New Covenant. For Jesus. A Covenant signed with the blood of the Most Holy Son cannot be broken or forgotten. Israel broke the old covenant, but we cannot break the New Covenant. You've either signed it or you haven't. I have signed on. No matter what crazy thing I do, or what I put before God in my heart, the Covenant cannot be broken. This is a Covenant of victory over everything. If it could be broken, then it never had any power to begin with. He will forgive us, that's the promise.
"Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar -- the Lord of hosts is his name:" Jeremiah 31:35
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm Yours!
14 August 2011
Once again, God isn't promising an easy life, He's promising a good plan. It's all about perspective.
But really, all I care about is that I never see Jeremiah 29:11 on another graduation card again!
13 August 2011
-Jeremiah 24:6-7
It's a promise of being welcomed back with open arms. God says they shall be sent away for 70 years, but those who do return are good. God has good plans from them (He says so in chapter 29). He wants to always be theirs. He wants them to always be His.
He wants us to be His. He wants to be ours. God promises good to us. He wants to build us up. Even when it seems like we are being punished, that God hates us, He is not trying to uproot us, but plant us. Maybe even replant us? So we should cast our whole hearts unto Him.
What gets me about today's selection is that God is promising both destruction and a homecoming. He says how long they will be gone, but then He talks about how they'll be brought back (with the Chaldeans and bad shepherds smushed under their feet). God is promising victory over unrighteousness.
Maybe it's all my experience as a literature teacher (idk 3 months?) that gets me looking for themes...
The major themes of the Bible:
12 August 2011
Army of one
There are times we go together, and there are times we go alone. I can't imagine going alone. That's what Jeremiah is doing. He is alone among a people that have completely forgotten their God - the only God that matters. Jeremiah is crying out to God about how he wants relief from the persecution. He wished he'd never been born. His friends want to denounce him. But he says, "My persecutors will stumble; the will not over come me" for he has committed his cause to the Lord. (Verses 11-12). God doesn't promise the easy life. Jeremiah tried to hold in the prophecy the Lord was giving Him, but it burned like fire within him to say it. We have to do what God is calling us to do no matter what the consequences. I can't imagine being this guy...talk about tough.
And just for a snack:
"Do you think you are king because you compete in cedar? Did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Is not this to know me? declares the Lord." Jeremiah 22:15-16
Is this not what it is to know the Lord?
11 August 2011
Tree planted
-Jeremiah 15:19
A very simple promise from a very Great God. He says restore. Later, He says redeem. This is the promise of the Gospel. This is the Gospel. The Bible is a story of redemption, not of wrath or of a man dying for the sins of others. No! It's about the only Man who ever mattered doing something totally unthinkable in order to restore and redeem His beloved to Himself. To restore and redeem all of creation to Himself. It's a story of victory, of overcoming. It's a story of the difference 3 days can make in the life of the humble. The Bible is more than the story of the Cross; it's the Word of God. (John 1, anybody?) I'm just gonna let that sit...
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. He...does not fear when heat comes, and is not anxious in the year of drought"
-Jeremiah 17:8
Trusting in the Lord does not magically turn your life into puppies and rainbows - believe me - that is never written in the Bible. Jeremiah had to stand by and watch his people face destruction. He had to trust that the Lord would see him through that time. Jeremiah did not fear that he should be killed in the exile - no! He was focused on God and God's work. Instead of freaking out anytime things go south, you have to focus on the mission. Just because it doesn't seem like God is working, doesn't mean He isn't. I do not fear in heat or drought because I continue to bear fruit. Can I say it and mean it? Lord, may it be so!
10 August 2011
Not like these
-Jeremiah 10:16
God is not like anything else, and nothing else is like God. Not my job, not a man, not a TOTY, not a house, not money, nothing! Nothing can do what He does. Being married will not give me someone who loves me unconditionally. Being TOTY will not give me confidence that I am an awesome teacher. Some things only come from God. Actually, all things come from God.
I'm willing to stick by that statement. God gives everything and He can take away. He never gives us more than we can handle suffering wise. He's just that powerful. He formed all things. Praise Him we have a share in His inheritance. What an inheritance it is!!?
Awake my soul today Lord to live for You only.
09 August 2011
Boast in this
-Jeremiah 9:23-24
God doesn't care about anything but us loving Him. If He wanted us to be different in wisdom, might or riches, He would change it. One thing He cannot change is how much we love Him. In this we have control, and in this we can boast. I know the Lord is God. I know He is love, justice, and righteousness. I love Him. Don't be jealous :)
The theme in this book continues of being humble. Boasting in everything you have or can do doesn't bring God glory. I do struggle with that sometime. I want recognition for my work. I want to be the best. Sometimes I confuse doing my best with getting worldly recognition. Little do I realize that I could go unnoticed forever and bring Glory to God. I could never be recognized and still be doing all things as for the Kingdom.
Basically what I'm saying is that I do not have to be Teacher of the Year in order to be a great teacher.
08 August 2011
Good news is, there is hope for the humble. Those who put on sackcloth and humble themselves before the Lord. This is something I do poorly. I know I sin everyday, but rarely do I humble myself and beg for forgiveness. I really do think it should be humbling and begging. We don't deserve, and we can't take it for granted. God does not hold our sins against us thanks to Jesus, but if we don't humble ourselves and acknowledge our evils, we are no better than Israel at this time. God was so willing to forgive them, but they ignored Him saying, "No, He won't come for us." So what's the take-away today: be humble and lowly and God will always redeem you.
07 August 2011
Beef with a side of chicken
-Jeremiah 1:6-8
Literally, that sounds like me. "No God, I can't...I'm too young!" Like, did Jeremiah know me? Seriously...coming across things like this just reminds me of how alive Scripture is. Lord, I'm so sorry for thinking I'm too young! I'm so sorry for trying to contain Your work with excuses like that. It doesn't matter if I'm not enough for the task, because You are! Anywhere I fall short, You excel! Anywhere I'm not enough, You're everything! I may be young, but I have You. Nothing can stop me!
"How well you direct your course to seek love!"
-Jeremiah 2:33
What do I seek when I go astray? Love. We all want love. Recognition. For me, I want the love of a man. I ignore that God is more than enough love for me, and I say things like, "God's love isn't enough. I want to be loved by a person, by a husband." The only problem is God's love is enough. God's love is like a husband. The ultimate Husband. Like, no one's gonna be a better life partner than God. Yet, I have dedicated so much time and energy to finding, earning, keeping love. Has it worked? No. Has anyone ever loved me that way? No. Does it upset me? Often. Is it a challenge? Of course. Am I trying to change? You bet. So much so, that I did something crazy. I've made a 180 in my life trying to break the habits. One of my favorite past times has been fantasizing up a life with random guys I see (notice I did not say meet). I see a cute boy, or better yet actually meet one, and I immediately start working out in my mind how he could be the one. I know it's sad; I'm ashamed to be quite honest. I mean, who does that? (Me.) Anyway, through some moments and some Scripture, God told me to stop. So starting June 16 for a year, I'm not liking boys. Have I been successful? Eh.... It's tough. I can't do it alone, and it's an uphill fight. I have to rely on God to take away the thoughts and to focus me on him. Fortunately, I have a lot on my plate right now to distract me. Not to mention, my other favorite past time is avoiding guys like the plague.
I lead a special life...
"And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding."
-Jeremiah 3:15
That's a promise. God says to Israel, if you come back, I'll help you. Shepherds like David. Or even better, the Ultimate Shepherd, Jesus. God doesn't want us to go it alone. He wants to have us be fed. He wants us to learn and grow. He wants us to not struggle everyday. He doesn't want us to feel like we're fighting a losing battle. He's not a mean God who enjoys watching us suffer. He wants to make it easy. His road is narrow, but His burden is light. It may be difficult to stay on course, but He's there helping us!
That's a promise and a guarantee.
06 August 2011
-Zephaniah 3:10
That's me! God is talking about me! I have been chosen, and I love to be reminded of my place in the inheritance. Sometimes I do find myself feeling like a slightly less legitimate child of God...sort of like a step-child. In reality, though I am adopted into the Kingdom, I am loved. I am chosen. God has purposed for me to be His from the beginning. I am one of those called "my worshipers" and "daughters of my dispersed ones". Praise the Lord!! The earth is ripe for the harvest, so go and tell. Do you hear that, self, go and tell!!
Another goody in Zephaniah is 3:5: "The Lord within her is righteous; he does no injustice; every morning he shows forth his justice; each dawn he does not fail; but the unjust knows no shame."
Everyday the Lord is revealed. Each dawn He does not fail. If those aren't words to live by...
This whole book is about God condemning His people because of their wickedness. His says a remnant shall remain, but for the most part, none of them are humble and lowly enough to be worthy of Him. He's tried to show them and to warn them, but they never paid him no nevermind, so He's coming to do justice. I talked the other day about God's perfect justice that will always be done, even to His own. There is no escape for the wicked. He does no injustice.
Each dawn He does not fail. Here it is, a little after dawn, and God has not failed!!
05 August 2011
Too young?
-2 Chronicles 34:3
King Josiah had some pretty awesome faith. He started reigning when he was 8, and by the time he was 16, he was committed to following the Lord. Considering how evil his father was, that's pretty impressive. What I think is the best about this verse is that it emphasizes his youth. I'm not that young, but I often get frustrated with my age. I want (desperately at times) to be older. I feel people won't take me seriously until then. I'm a pretty mature person when I want to be, but because I'm still in my early 20s, people just don't take me seriously. I feel like, if I were 30 instead, but still acted the same, I would be treated like I know stuff. King Josiah was yet a boy, and he did some radical things. People followed him (1) because he was the king and (2) because God was with him. I think that's where the message lies. If God is with me, he will use me in spite of my youth (even because of my youth). I've come to terms with it more now, especially since I'm in the "adult" world (i.e. I have a "real" job). Even in my youth, I have something to offer people. I know what I know. I can do what I can do. I have confidence in myself. Eventually my age will catch up to me, but until that day, I'll trust the Lord has a plan (because he does) and my age will not affect it at all (because it won't).
So no, I am not too young...
04 August 2011
More than slapping fish
Obviously, Nineveh - like many nations - did not fully grasp how to love the Lord, because here they are, at the last straw. Nahum says, "The Lord is slow to anger and great in power...The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." (verses 1:3 & 7). Those are the only two verses (ish) that say how good the Lord can be for those who trust Him. The whole rest of the book is about God's justice. Nineveh did bad, didn't repent, and now must face the consequences: complete destruction.
The Lord is powerful. There are some awe-inspiring verbs in this books. Hills melting, seas drying up, floods setting loose, earth heaving, all because God speaks. God is so strong, and you do not want to be on the receiving end of His wrath!
So what does this mean for me? Well, I take comfort in knowing God is a God of justice and that "the Lord will by no means clear the guilty" (verse 1:3). But God is also a God of mercy and grace. He wants to restore the majesty of Jacob in this book (verse 2:2). Now we all know that Israel and Judah are just as bad as any other nation, but they are God's children so He restores them - of course He still punishes the wicked. God cannot be unfair. God is love. God hates evil. These Truths shine forth in this book.
But by far my favorite concept is verse 1:15 - "him...who publishes peace". I'd like to publish peace. What an interesting idea!